- http://linkedin.com/in/pranit-puri-a22b91175
- @Pran_writes_
This model will help you to detect the facial expression from a Image and show the result in a form of Emoji
Fast-Style-Transfer-Tf Public
Fast Style Transfer using Tensorflow and Pytorch
ROC-Graph Public
ROC curve for any dataset, with 8 classification Algorithm in One.
Style-Transfer-Vgg19 Public
Style Transfer using Vgg19 and Pytorch
Fingerprint-Recognition Public
Fingerprint Recognition
Color-Feature-Extraction Public
Color Feature Extraction using K-Mean. Depicting the Pie-Chart of the Color Composition.
PlytoObject Public
This Program converts the .PLY files to .OBJ files.
Background-Scrap-File Public
Used for an entire dataset.
Background-Remover-Cv Public
Tool that can be used to remove background from a image.
VQ-GAN Public
VQGAN and CLIP are actually two separate machine learning algorithms that can be used together to generate images based on a text prompt. VQGAN is a generative adversarial neural network that is go…
Collage-Builder Public
It creates collage of the Dataset you provide.
StyleGan2 Public
StyleGan2 model generated and trained with the help of GUP's.
Full-Body-Detection Public
Full body Detection using MediaPipe and openCv