I'm Senior Year Engineering Student from India who loves Python & AI. I interned at NRNB as a Technical Writer under Google Season Of Docs 2020. I am passionate about doing research in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
- 🌌 I'll be working under with SBOL Industrial Consortium under the aegis of Bio-Design Automation Consortium and I've previously worked at NRNB as a Technical Writer under Google Season Of Docs 2020.
- 🔭 I’m currently learning Artifical Intelligence.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any projects related to (but not limited to) AI, Computer Vision & applications of Deep Learning.
- ✨ Pronouns: He/him
- 🛸 Fun fact: I'm a MSFT learn student ambassador and an IBM ZAmbassador
- 🎼 Hobbies: Cooking & Contributing to Open Source
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