This is the repository for the software required by for the Microbiome workshop. Please note that what is installed in /gpfs/group/dml129/default/microbiome_workshop2020 may differ from this repository as the actual setup version of this repository will contain conda environments.
To view this documentation in a different format then please see the doc directory of this repository.
The repository contains the following software:
- RStudio
- Qiime2
- Megan
Simply use the following commands to load the rstudio module:
$ module use /gpfs/group/dml129/default/microbiome_workshop2020/sw/modules
$ module load rstudio
Now that you have the module loaded, here are the various ways that you can interact with it.
To launch rstudio:
$ rstudio
To use R:
$ R
To use Rscript:
$ Rscript
To use Rscript quietly:
$ chronic-Rscript
To setup access to Qiime2, you will first need to create a symlink to the environment in your home directory using the scripts module:
$ module use /gpfs/group/dml129/default/microbiome_workshop2020/sw/modules
$ module load scripts
$ link_qiime2
This will then create a symlink to the qiime2 environment in your home directory. You can use the following commands to activate the environment:
$ module load python/3.6.3-anaconda5.0.1
$ cd ~
$ source activate qiime2
To then verify that Qiime2 is working simply use the following command:
$ qiime --help
To setup access to Megan, you will first need to create a symlink to the environment in your home directory using the scripts module:
$ module use /gpfs/group/dml129/default/microbiome_workshop2020/sw/modules
$ module load scripts
$ link_megan
This will then create a symlink to the megan environment in your home directory. You can use the following commands to activate the environment:
$ module load python/3.6.3-anaconda5.0.1
$ cd ~
$ source activate megan
To then launch Megan's GUI (need to be in an Interactive Desktop session) use the following command:
To access MALT, all you need to do is activate the Megan environment:
$ module load python/3.6.3-anaconda5.0.1
$ cd ~
$ source activate megan
Then, to test that you have access to MALT simply use the following command:
malt-build -h
If you run into any issues regarding the use of this repository then please contact either Jason or Justin at