C++ Implementation of alpha-NDCG
Query-Topics Dictionary [A dictionary of topics relevants per query]
typedef map<string,vector<double>> dcgStruct;
typedef map<string,vector<string>> dictString;
typedef long long int ll;
dictString queryDict;
queryDict["QA Example"] = {"85.1", "85.2", "85.3", "85.4", "85.5", "85.6"};
queryDict["QB Example"] = {"85.1", "85.2", "85.3", "85.4", "85.5", "85.6"};
Doc-Topics Dictionary [A dictionary of topics relevants per document]
dictString docDict;
docDict["a"] = {"85.2", "85.4"};
docDict["b"] = {"85.2"};
docDict["c"] = {"85.2"};
docDict["d"] = {};
docDict["e"] = {"85.1", "85.6"};
docDict["f"] = {"85.1"};
docDict["g"] = {"85.3"};
docDict["h"] = {"85.1"};
docDict["i"] = {};
docDict["j"] = {};
Ranking Query-Doc Dictionary [A dictionary of ranking to calculate the alphaNDCG per query]
dictString rankingDict;
rankingDict["QA Example"] = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"};
rankingDict["QB Example"] = {"a", "e", "g", "b", "f", "c", "h", "i", "j", "d"};
Returns score
AlphaNDCG myAlpha = AlphaNDCG(queryDict, docDict);
cout << "nDCG Values" << endl;
for(auto iteratorQuery : myAlpha.get_ndcg_values()) {
query = iteratorQuery.first;
cout << query << ": ";
for(auto elem : iteratorQuery.second) {
cout << elem << " ";
cout << endl;
Clarke, Charles LA, et al. "Novelty and diversity in information retrieval evaluation." Proceedings of the 31st annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. ACM, 2008. [pdf]