This app is part of our final project in our Agile course and Web application course at IT-Högskolan in Gothenburg.
The purpose is to create a complete fullstack app (this being the frontend) for some sort of quiz focused on learning using the Agile software development approach and Scrum. We decided to make a language learning app, taking inspiration from apps like Duolingo and the like.
We use Trello, a Scrum master and development team, with our teacher Kevin as our customer and product owner. Trying our best to follow a professional and structured approach of an agile team with regular sprints (one week sprints), daily-stand-ups, reviews and retrospectives every end of sprint.
npm install
npm run dev
Agile board, where we have our user stories, backlog, current sprint log and where we plan and execute our work.
LoFi wireframe, our first draft for the look of the frontend with basic functionality.
HiFi wireframe, our LoFi with added color theme and fonts.
Backend repository, our backend repository.
Philippe Vial | Felix Jacobsen | Fredrik Eriksson | Helena Eklund | Patrik Fallqvist Magnusson