- Now supporting nightlies GIT releases (Atlas-N.N.N-GIT)
- Requested by Tulay Cuhadar Donszelmann
- Adding benchmark dictionary to machine section when available
- Avoid unwanted and duplicated info in benchmark dictionary, adding new info
- Found new problem with benchmark command which uses python argparse module which is normally only available from python 2.7. Developers have been notified (solution might take time since the primary developer is leaving)
Event Service
- Fixed problem with special athena jobOptions in release 21.0.15. The problem was in handling the jobOptions python string; jps part was combined with EVNTtoHITS in same block
- Fixed issue with some athena 20 releases that have _000 at the end of the filename of the produced files
Contributors: W. Guan, P. Nilsson
Version info
General changes:
- Removed OtherSiteMover from distribution. Not needed.
- Removed getUtilityCommandOld() (ATLASExperiment)
- Cleaned up deprecated new site mover function and related code (Mover)
- Lots of internal changes related to ESS (RunJobEvent)
- Removed --freetext option from benchmark command in getBenchmarkCommand() (ATLASSiteInformation)
- Removed key 'cpuname' from the benchmark dictionary in getBenchmarkDictionary() (JobLog)
- Sending sitename and computingElement to getBenchmarkDictionary() from postJobTask() (JobLog)
- Added sitename and queuename arguments to getBenchmarkDictionary() (JobLog)
- Adding sitename and queuename to benchmark dictionary (JobLog)
- Added argument section to addToJobReport() (FileHandling)
- Now adding key+value to section in addToJobReport() (FileHandling)
- Added sitename argument to getBenchmarkSubprocess() (RunJob)
- Sending sitename to getBenchmarkSubprocess() (RunJob, RunJobEvent)
- Avoiding running benchmark suite on ANALY sites, since the user jobs will not produce the jobReport, in getBenchmarkSubprocess() (RunJob)
- Sending subsection to addToJobReport() (JobLog)
- Added argument subsection to addToJobReport() (FileHandling)
- Added possibility to set jobReport subsection in addToJobReport() (FileHandling)
- Added -GIT to getCacheInfo() to fix a case where nightlies were not setup correctly. Requested by Johannes Elmsheuser (ATLASExperiment)
Updates from Wen Guan:
In athena 21.0.15, if we combine jps part with EVENtoHITS part in one block, athena will not be able to start. So we need to use a separate block like below to preExec jps part.
--preExec 'from AthenaMP.AthenaMPFlags import jobproperties as jps;jps.AthenaMPFlags.EventRangeChannel="EventService_EventRanges-9419a6ca-4de9-4fcf-9b7d-5e1045e998b2"' 'EVNTtoHITS
:simFlags.SimBarcodeOffset.set_Value_and_Lock(200000)' 'EVNTtoHITS:simFlags.TRTRangeCut=30.0;simFlags.TightMuonStepping=True'
Commit Summary
fix problem when pilot adding es special part to athena joboptions
File Changes
M RunJobEvent.py (6)
Commit Summary
fix objectstore sitemover
File Changes
M S3ObjectstoreSiteMover.py (2)
Commit Summary
fix merge problem
patch to check _000 and auto fix it
fix type error from merge
File Changes
M RunJobEvent.py (2)
M SiteInformation.py (2)
M pUtil.py (13)