The latest version of this data is available for download as a zip file.
About the data
The zip file contains the latest data on:
Data | Data File (Click to download) |
Data Dictionary (Click to download) |
Global variant fitness advantage posterior distributions | multicountry_mu_distrib.csv | codebook |
Country-specific variant fitness advantages summary stats | fitness_advantages_summary.csv | codebook |
Country-specific summary stats, corresponding variant prevalence estimates, and inferred variant cases in the past 90 days | variant_dynamics_summary_data.csv | codebook |
Country-specific draws from the posterior on variant prevalence estimates and corresponding data in the past 90 days | variant_dynamics_full_distribution_data.csv | codebook |
7d average of cases per 100k over the past 90 days in each country | total_cases.csv | codebook |
US state-specific summary stats, corresponding variant prevalence estimates, and inferred variant cases in the past 90 days | US_variant_dynamics_summary_data.csv | codebook |
US 7d average of cases per 100k over the past 90 days in each state | US_state_total_cases.csv | codebook |
Codebooks describing each dataset are available as CSV files in the codebooks
Please email or to access time-stamped historical datasets of these estimates or for any questions/issues regarding this data.