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Ansible Collection - k8s toolbox

Ansible Collection GitHub release Github license pre-commit

This Ansible Collection "k8s toolbox" contains roles and playbooks to deploy and configured tools to managed a kubernetes cluster.

Getting Started

This collection contains the following ressources.

Ressources Comment Privilege CI Status
roles/helm Install helm from the github package and make a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin. true Github pipeline status
roles/k9s Install k9s from the github package and make a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin. true Github pipeline status
roles/kubectl Install kubectl from google repositories (centos, debian, openSUSE supported). true Github pipeline status
roles/kubectx Install kubectx/kubens from the github package and make a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin. true Github pipeline status
roles/minikube Install minikube from google repositories (centos, debian, openSUSE supported). true Github pipeline status
roles/stern Install stern from the github package and make a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin. true Github pipeline status


The only prerequisite is to have an Ansible >= 2.10


ansible-galaxy collection install pandemonium1986.k8s_toolbox


There are no specific prerequisites for the use of the collection.

Simply create a playbook that may be briefly similar to this one :

- name: K8s Toolbox deployement
  hosts: local
  become: true
    - import_role:
        name: pandemonium1986.k8s_toolbox.minikube
    - import_role:
        name: pandemonium1986.k8s_toolbox.kubectx
    - import_role:
        name: pandemonium1986.k8s_toolbox.k9s
    - import_role:
        name: pandemonium1986.k8s_toolbox.stern
    - import_role:
        name: pandemonium1986.k8s_toolbox.helm

Available variables are :

helm_cache_path: "/var/cache/github"
helm_installation_path: "/opt/github/helm"
helm_checksum: "sha256:bbb6e7c6201458b235f335280f35493950dcd856825ddcfd1d3b40ae757d5c7d"
helm_version: "v3.13.3"

k9s_cache_path: "/var/cache/github"
k9s_installation_path: "/opt/github/k9s"
k9s_checksum: "sha256:3904f39c9ff4eaedfa35c81e2fa9e42817505375fbbce9932d01bfbc4c2673d8"
k9s_version: "v0.31.5"

kubectl_version: "1.29.0"

kubectx_installation_path: "/opt/github/kubectx"
kubectx_version: "master"

minikube_version: "1.32.0"

stern_cache_path: "/var/cache/github"
stern_installation_path: "/opt/github/stern"
stern_checksum: "sha256:1501989591f7cf9b946ff38c24453cda0c672932acf2271ef6e894f5cfb384ed"
stern_version: "1.28.0"



I use pre commit to manage the commit-msg commit and pre-push hooks. To install the hooks proceed as follows

pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg && \
pre-commit install --hook-type pre-push && \
pre-commit install


The ansible collections are composed of a set of roles/plug-ins/modules ... My choice was made to group all the roles in a "monorepo", the collection itself, and to ensure the building of the roles in "manyrepo".

This section is not only aimed at the collection itself, but potentially at all of them.

First of all if you start from a set of roles existing in "manyrepo" you have to group them in the roles directory of the collection.

I use tomono to create the monorepo from the manyrepos

To generate the monorepo folder (assuming that the user pandemonium exists and his homedir is /home/pandemonium):

mkdir -p ~/git/Pandemonium1986/ansible-collection-k8s-toolbox && git init

git clone ~/git/github/hraban/tomono

vim ~/Documents/workspace/repos.txt ansible-role-helm roles/helm ansible-role-k9s roles/k9s ansible-role-kubectl roles/kubectl ansible-role-kubectx roles/kubectx ansible-role-minikube roles/minikube ansible-role-stern roles/stern

export MONOREPO_NAME=/home/pandemonium/git/Pandemonium1986/ansible-collection-k8s-toolbox
cd / && cat ~/Documents/workspace/repos.txt | /home/pandemonium/git/github/hraban/tomono/ --continue

To ensure the synchronisation of the manyrepos from the monorepo I use splitsh-lite

An example of repo helm synchronisation :

cd ~/git/Pandemonium1986/ansible-collection-k8s-toolbox
SHA1=`splitsh-lite --prefix=roles/ansible-role-helm`
git push ansible-role-helm $SHA1\:refs/heads/CURRENT_BRANCH -f --no-verify

Each role can be tested independently via molecule.


Feel free to consul before you're contributing



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details