Final project to Microprocessor's System II and Design Laboratory course at Electronics faculty. Simple logger of developement boards rented by students on laboratories.
Project uses STM32F401RE Nucleo board, NodeMCU v0.9, LCD HD44780 16x2 with I2C converter and RC522 RFID module. Moreover, it uses Firebase.
More informations in documentation [PL]
Connect everyting following schematic
- Program Nucleo board using source files. During developement we used Keil software.
- Download necessary Arduino libs and install them: Firebase-Arduino, ArduinoJson, LiquidCrystal_I2C, ESP8266
- Configure NodeMCU by changing following lines of code:
#define FIREBASE_HOST ""
#define WIFI_SSID "XXX"
After that, program using Arduino IDE.
- Reading UID of RFID cards using RC522 module
- Debug through UART
- Connection to Firebase through Wi-Fi
- Mateusz Kapala (
- Jan Gąsienica-Józkowy (
Feel free to use.