This program is an ETL that allows you to convert your catalog from a basic XML format to an XML format compatible with the latest techniques for creating catalogs via XML streams via the Amazon SP API.
- Python 3 +
On Windows :
On MAC :
You can use this XML transformer developed entirely in XSL to be able to adapt your flat XML catalogs to the format compatible with Amazon SP.
How to use the transformer:
- extract the 'xsl' folder from the project
- insert the folder in your project
- call the file src / main.xsl
In order to keep the list of product types updated, from this program you can run a script that will update the XSL transformer models for each Universe and ProductType without touching transformer core.
Amazon SP API need a specific XML strucutre to send products. You can see Amazon specifications here.
The XML structure need by Amazon can be rappresented by this :
- Message <>
- Header <>
- Message info <>
- Product <>
- ID Data (List Of fields, generic for all product types)
- Description Data <>
- ProductData <>
- ProductType <>
- Product Type Fields
- ProductType <>
- ID Data (List Of fields, generic for all product types)
- Import common templates, DescriptionData template and ProductData Gataway
- Create Structre
- Call templates
- Description Data
- Description Data ASIN
The main fonction of this module, is to decide which ProductData use.
Each univers has more XSL modules. The main XSL of a unvers mudule, will choose the product type, then will apply the right XSLT depending of the product type
NB: in this version we manage booth old an new version.