Hello and welcome to Tellus-Bavarica. Here you can find information about the report "Price development of building land in Bavaria and possible factors" by Benjamin Altmiks. The latex report can be found in Overleaf under the following link (in German): --> https://www.overleaf.com/read/vntcdvfbcgjv
You can find the following information in Jupyter Notebooks:
AreaView.ipynb --> Here the complete correlation analysis of all tables was done. It can be easily clicked through the notebook.
Visualization.ipynb --> Here (almost) all graphics used in the report were created.
Folder Data: Contains all used datasets (also the self created ones)
Sources of records:
* AreaUsage.xlsx
--> https://www.statistik.bayern.de/statistik/gebiet_bevoelkerung/gebiet/index.html
* Baulandveräußerungen in Bayern nach Baulandarten.csv
--> https://www.statistik.bayern.de/statistik/preise_verdienste/preise/index.html#link_3
* Bruttolohn_Bayern_2019.xlsx
--> https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1135247/umfrage/bruttoloehne-von-arbeitnehmern-in-bayern-nach-landkreisen/
* Collection.xlsx
--> Selbsterstellt
* Kaufpreis.xlsx
--> Selbsterstellt
* PendlerSammlung.xlsx
--> https://www.statistikdaten.bayern.de/genesis/online?language=de&sequenz=tabellen&selectionname=13111*#abreadcrumb