Project for PPS. Use openjdk11 and scala 2.12.8.
Branch | Build | Coverage |
Master | ||
Dev |
Move to main dir of project and execute following commands to compile executable packages
sbt clean pack
You can also modify configuration files to execute the server on a different machine. You have to change the Constant as:
// Run on a LAN machine.
final val SERVER_ADDRESS = ""
final val SERVER_PORT = 8081
// Run on the local machine.
final val SERVER_ADDRESS = "localhost"
final val SERVER_PORT = 5150
Look to our travis.yml file for packaging scripts.
This command produces executable scripts in client and server directories. You can execute them with those commands:
Project | Linux | Windows |
Server | ./server/target/pack/bin/scalavelli-server |
.\server\target\pack\bin\scalavelli-server |
Client | ./client/target/pack/bin/applauncher |
.\client\target\pack\bin\applauncher |
Be aware to execute first the server and after that how many clients you want.
We don't provide the guide to deploy on a remote machine or containers.