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PastVu is an online platform for curating, annotating, attributing, and discussing vintage pictures around the world


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Let's recall the whole world!


We welcome any keen developer in helping us build the better PastVu. You can install local version of the project using the following instructions.

Create development environment

Run with Docker

You need to have docker and docker-compose installed.

# Download database dump
curl -O
# Run the mongo container in background
docker-compose up -d mongo
# Import pastvu db
docker-compose exec -T mongo mongorestore --gzip --db pastvu --archive < pastvu.gz
# Install node modules
docker-compose run app npm install
# Copy local configuration
cp config/local.config.js.docker-example config/local.config.js
# Finally, start the whole application
docker-compose up

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 and login with the default user admin/admin.

Mailcatcher web interface is listening on http://localhost:1080 to view emails which app has sent out.

Data store and Mongo database are using persistent storage (located on volumes), so you can re-create containers without losing the data. If you change code related to server side operation, you will need to restart containers after change to take effect.


It is possible to debug application using Node.js inspector client when required. There are several clients available, although most strightforward option is using Chrome DevTools. Open chrome://inspect in Chromium based browser and make sure you have localhost:9229 configured at "Discover network taget". Now you need to start application with inspector agent enabled:

docker-compose run -p 9229:9229 -p 3000:3000 app npm run inspect

Under "Remote target" section in inspector tab you will see a new running instance that you can use for debugging.

In the case when appication can't be started at all, you can use inspector with an option to break before user code starts:

docker-compose run -p 9229:9229 -p 3000:3000 app npm run inspect-brk

In this case execution will stop at the first line of code, allowing you to run inspector client and control execution flow.


If you are using docker inside VM and accessing app from host OS (or any other scenario where web client host may differ from the host where you run docker), make sure that client.hostname in your config/local.config.js is matching domain name that client uses to access the app. This setting is used for cookies domain, so having it wrong will result in session being cleared on page refresh.

When you upgrade continers to newer image, you may experience an issue when any CSS requests in the app result in 500 error and layout is severley broken. This happens when container is not able to overwrite CSS files (they are generated alongside .less files at public/style/ directory). To fix the issue run npx grunt clean:publicCss from project directory and then start application.

Traditional way


  1. It's recommended to create a folder where you'll be storing all the pastvu related data and code. For the sake of this readme we can call it pastvu_dev, so do mkdir pastvu_dev. But, of course, you can structure it however you like.

  2. Install MongoDB 3.2.22 Community Edition. The easiest way to do it in development is by using a tarball, for instance for macos: In that case you can extract tarball into our pastvu_dev folder, and rename the result folder into mongodb-3.2.22. Having version as a postfix will come in handy when you or somebody else will be updating MongoDB version.

  3. Install Redis 5.0.7 (or above). It's also easier to build it from a tarball which you can extract into our pastvu_dev folder as well, and rename it to redis-5.0.7.

  4. Install NodeJS. You can do it globally by installing a package from download page or package managers like homebrew. However the exact version is defined in .node-version and .nvmrc files, so locally it is better to use tools like nvs or nvm, which will download and switch to the right version automatically based on those files. If you prefer using nvm, you can install/switch to required version by running nvm install && nvm use from project directory.

  5. Create folders for the data, database and logs: mkdir db data logs.

  6. Clone the project (being inside the pastvu_dev folder if you like):

    • Directly from this repository if you want to just try this project out without having a plan to commit any code or you want to commit and you are a maintainer with the admin permissions (you are probably not), do git clone

    • Otherwise, if you are not an admin and you do plan to contribute by committing a code, then fork the repository first (standard github flow) and then clone it from you repository name, like git clone<yourname>/pastvu.git.

    It will create pastvu project folder inside your pastvu_dev folder.

  7. Move to pastvu folder and install npm dependencies by doing npm i.

By the end this section you should have pastvu_dev folder with these folders inside: data, db, logs, mongodb-3.2.22, pastvu, redis-5.0.7.


You can now open the project folder (pastvu) in your favorite IDE.

  1. Copy config/local.config.js.example into config/local.config.js. Default configuration is located in default.config.js file, it's just a JavaScript file, and its object is passed to the local.config.js as an argument. You can modify any of the props and return the final version of the config. Remember, don't change default.config.js unless you are altering the default project configuration for a purpose. config/local.config.js. is in .gitignore and you can change it locally as much as you want without affecting others.

  2. Depending on the client.hostname prop in your local.config.js, you should modify your hosts file to associate that domain with your localhost. There are different ways to modify hosts file on different OS that you can google, for example, on macos you do sudo nano /etc/hosts. And assuming you have the default setting pastvu.local, you need to update hosts file with localhost pastvu.local

It is important that client.hostname is matching hostname of machine where you run browser, as it is used as cookie domain internally. Having it wrong will result in logout on page refresh and other authentication related issues.

  1. Go to and press Create Ehereal Account button. Now copy the result parameters to the mail section of your local config file, like this:

    mail: {
        type: 'SMTP',
        secure: false,
        host: '',
        port: 587,
        auth: {
            user: '',
            pass: 'ABCdsSDFs23edf',

    That will allow your local server to send emails that will never reach a target, giving you the ability to see such messages on the messages page. But be aware that accounts on are temporary and after a while, if you want to see sent messages, you'll need to create a new account again.

  2. Download db sample into your pastvu_dev folder and import it to your MongoDB

    # Start MongoDB server:
    ./mongodb-3.2.22/bin/mongod --dbpath ./db --storageEngine wiredTiger
    # Import pastvu db
    ./mongodb-3.2.22/bin/mongorestore --gzip --db pastvu --archive="pastvu.gz"

    Now you have one default user admin with password admin and 6.5K regions in you database


There are two databases, MongoDB and Redis, and four services to start: app (main application), uploader (responsible for uploading images), downloader (responsible for downloading images) and sitemap (responsible for generating sitemap). It's not necessary to start all of them locally, only app is required, but if you want to work with images make sure to start corresponding services as well.

  1. Start MongoDB server ./mongodb-3.2.22/bin/mongod --dbpath ./db --storageEngine wiredTiger. You can inspect it using the default terminal client ./mongodb-3.2.22/bin/mongo or any other third-party client with gui.

  2. Start Redis server redis-server. You can inspect it using the default terminal client redis-cli.

  3. Being inside the project folder (pastvu), you can manually start any service directly with node, and any parameter, like node --max-old-space-size=4096 bin/run.js --script ./<servicename>.js. Or you can use shorthand scripts from package.json and start the services in the following way:

    • npm run app
    • npm run uploader
    • npm run downloader
    • npm run sitemap

Now, depending on the client.hostname prop in your local.config.js you should be able to access your local copy of PastVu in your browser! 🎉

In case of the default hostname and port, just open this url: http://pastvu.local:3000 and login with the default user admin/admin!

How to release

See npm version --help. Don't forget to manually tag the en branch.