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A Spring Boot application handling crimes, criminals and victims which is stored in a MySQL persistent database. The application both contains an API with endpoints for CRUD operations, which are secured with http basic auth (all demand that you are an Admin user). Theses can be accessed from other programs, e.g. insomnia. It also contains a fro…

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Java Enterprise | ITHS | JU21

A Spring Boot application handling crimes, criminals and victims which is stored in a MySQL persistent database. The application both contains an API with endpoints for CRUD operations, which are secured with http basic auth (all demand that you are an Admin user). Theses can be accessed from other programs, e.g. insomnia. It also contains a frontend using Thymeleaf, which is secured with form based auth. In this case different roles have different degree of access throughout the application. Users with role USER can view all information (except which users exist), but they can not edit any information. Users with role ADMIN can have full access.

1. E/R diagram

ER Diagram

2. Features

Live features

  • CRUD functionality for all current entities
  • Crime, Criminal, User, Victim, Category and Address entities
  • Database relations
  • Dockerfile / Docker compose
  • Custom exceptions
  • GitHub milestone
  • GitHub milestone
  • GitHub milestone
  • GitHub milestone
  • GitHub milestone
  • MySQL locally persistent database

Planned features

  • Logging

Check out the ROADMAP

3. Deployment

Alternative 1: Download/Clone Repository

  • Download the Latest Release
    • Unzip the compressed file where you want to save the application


  • Clone the repository
    • Go to the folder where you want the application to save
    • Run the following from your Console: git clone


  1. Install Docker Desktop (and run it)
  2. Go to the folder of the application
    • Run the following from your Console: docker-compose up(If it doesn't work the first time, try to run it again).

Alternative 2: Download docker image

  1. Install Docker Desktop (and run it)
  2. Create a docker-compose.yml file that looks like this:
version: '3.8'

    container_name: crimedb
      - "8080:8080"
      - ./:/src
      - SPRING_RABBITMQ_HOST=rabbitmq
      - SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:mysql://mysql:3306/crime
      - rabbitmq
      - mysql

    image: rabbitmq:3-management
    container_name: rabbitmq
    restart: always
      - "15672:15672"
      - "5672:5672"
    image: mysql:latest
      - SYS_NICE
    container_name: mysql
    restart: always
      - "3306:3306"
      - db:/var/lib/mysql
      - MYSQL_USER=user
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=password
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=crime

    driver: local


  1. Go to the folder of the docker-compose.yml file
    • Run the following from your Console: docker-compose up

How to Interact with the application (both Alternatives)

  1. Use Insomnia to run the REST endpoints below
    • Uses Basic Auth
  2. Use a browser to run the Thymeleaf endpoints below
    • Uses Form Based Auth
There are two register users when you start the application:
  • Admin:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin123
  • User:
    • Username: user
    • Password: user123

To access RabbitMQ console to manage messaging service

  • Go to: http://localhost:15672
    • Username: guest
    • Password: guest

4. Endpoints for REST API

All URLs for our REST API start with http://localhost:8080/api


HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
POST /categories Authenticated users with role ADMIN Creates category
DELETE /categories/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Deletes category with id = {id}
GET /categories/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Returns category with id = {id}
GET /categories Authenticated users with role ADMIN Returns all categories
PUT /categories/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Updates category with id = {id}

POST and PUT needs a Body with a JSON object. Example of body for POST (PUT also needs id):

  "name": "Theft"


HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
POST /victims Authenticated users with role ADMIN Creates victim
DELETE /victims/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Deletes victim with id = {id}
GET /victims/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Returns victim with id = {id}
GET /victims Authenticated users with role ADMIN Returns all victims
PUT /victims/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Updates victim with id = {id}

POST and PUT needs a Body with a JSON object. Example of body for POST (PUT also needs id):

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "dateOfBirth": "2000-01-01"


HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
POST /criminals Authenticated users with role ADMIN Creates criminal
DELETE /criminals/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Deletes criminal with id = {id}
GET /criminals/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Returns criminal with id = {id}
GET /criminals Authenticated users with role ADMIN Returns all criminals
PUT /criminals/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Updates criminal with id = {id}

POST and PUT needs a Body with a JSON object. Example of body for POST (PUT also needs id):

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "dateOfBirth": "2000-01-01"


HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
POST /addresses Authenticated users with role ADMIN Creates address
DELETE /addresses/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Deletes address with id = {id}
GET /addresses/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Returns address with id = {id}
GET /addresses Authenticated users with role ADMIN Returns all addresses
PUT /addresses/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Updates address with id = {id}

POST and PUT needs a Body with a JSON object. Example of body for POST (PUT also needs id):

  "city": "Gothenburg",
  "zipCode": "41324",
  "streetAddress": "Street 1"


HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
POST /crimes Authenticated users with role ADMIN Creates crime
DELETE /crimes/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Deletes crime with id = {id}
GET /crimes/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Returns crime with id = {id}
GET /crimes Authenticated users with role ADMIN Returns all crimes
PUT /crimes/{id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN Updates crime with id = {id}

POST and PUT needs a Body with a JSON object. Example of body for POST (PUT also needs id):

  "name": "Example crime",
  "time": "2022-03-18 15:48"

Publish RabbitMQ Messaging Service:

HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
POST /publish All authenticated users Sends message internally to Listener

POST needs a Body with a JSON object. Example of body for POST:

  "message": "Sample message"

4. Endpoints for Thymeleaf

All URLs for our Thymeleaf application start with http://localhost:8080

Login page

If you are not logged in, and you try to access any of the endpoint that are secured with form based aut, you will be redirected to the login-page. This page is open for everyone.

HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
GET /login None If you have entered valid credentials you will be logged in and redirected to the home page,
otherwise you will stay on the page and be told that you have bad credentials.
If you are already logged in you will be redirected to the homepage.

Home page

The application has a home-page from which you can navigate to all other features of tha application.

HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
GET All authenticated users This will display the home-page of the application.

Handling Categories

The application has a page for displaying exiting categories and one for adding/updating them.

HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
GET /categories All authenticated users This will displays all existing categories.
GET /addCategoryForm Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will displays a form where you can add a category
POST /saveCategory Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will save a category witch has been added/updated
GET /categoriesUpdateForm?id={id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will displays a form where you can update the category with id = {id}
GET /deleteCategory?id={id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will delete the category with id = {id}

Handling Crimes

The application has a page for displaying exiting crimes and one for adding/updating them.

HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
GET /crimes All authenticated users This will displays all existing crimes.
GET /addCrimeForm Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will displays a form where you can add a crime
POST /saveCrime Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will save a crime witch has been added/updated
GET /crimeUpdateForm?id={id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will displays a form where you can update the crime with id = {id}
GET /deleteCrime?id={id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will delete the crime with id = {id}

Handling Criminals

The application has a page for displaying exiting criminals and one for adding/updating them.

HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
GET /criminals All authenticated users This will displays all existing criminals.
GET /addCriminalForm Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will displays a form where you can add a criminal
POST /saveCriminal Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will save a criminal witch has been added/updated
GET /criminalUpdateForm?id={id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will displays a form where you can update the criminal with id = {id}
GET /deleteCriminal?id={id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will delete the criminal with id = {id}

Handling Victims

The application has a page for displaying exiting victims and one for adding/updating them.

HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
GET /victims All authenticated users This will displays all existing victims.
GET /addVictimForm Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will displays a form where you can add a victim
POST /saveVictim Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will save a victim witch has been added/updated
GET /victimUpdateForm?id={id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will displays a form where you can update the victim with id = {id}
GET /deleteVictim?id={id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will delete the victim with id = {id}

Handling Addresses

The application has a page for displaying exiting addresses and one for adding/updating them.

HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
GET /addresses All authenticated users This will displays all existing addresses.
GET /addAddressesForm Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will displays a form where you can add an address
POST /saveAddress Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will save a address witch has been added/updated
GET /addressesUpdateForm?id={id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will displays a form where you can update the address with id = {id}
GET /deleteAddress?id={id} Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will delete the address with id = {id}

Handling Users

The application has a page for displaying exiting users. Users can (at the moment) not be modified from the application.

HTTP-verb URL Authorization Info
GET /users Authenticated users with role ADMIN This will displays all existing users.


A Spring Boot application handling crimes, criminals and victims which is stored in a MySQL persistent database. The application both contains an API with endpoints for CRUD operations, which are secured with http basic auth (all demand that you are an Admin user). Theses can be accessed from other programs, e.g. insomnia. It also contains a fro…








Contributors 4
