Solves monochromatic nonograms, powered Rust and Z3, pretty rudimentary.
(requires rustup and z3)
$ cargo run -- \
--cols '1|1|2|4|7|9|2,8|1,8|8|1,9|2,7|3,4|6,4|8,5|1,11|1,7|8|1,4,8|6,8|4,7|2,4|1,4|5|1,4|1,5|7|5|3|1|1' \
--rows '8,7,5,7|5,4,3,3|3,3,2,3|4,3,2,2|3,3,2,2|3,4,2,2|4,5,2|3,5,1|4,3,2|3,4,2|4,4,2|3,6,2|3,2,3,1|4,3,4,2|3,2,3,2|6,5|4,5|3,3|3,3|1,1'
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Nonogram can be represented as a set of regular expressions - e.g. column with
numbers 1
and 8
^[ ]*\*{1}[ ]+\*{8}[ ]*$
... or, with a couple of comments:
^ [ ]* \*{1} [ ]+ \*{8} [ ]* $
1--- 2---- 3--- 4---- 5---
1 - any number of leading spaces
2 - exactly one asterisk
3 - at least one separating space
4 - exactly eight asterisks
5 - any number of trailing spaces
Following on this, nonogram-solver builds a regular expression for each column and row, then sends those constraints to Z3 and parses its response back.
Copyright (c) 2024, Patryk Wychowaniec,
Licensed under the MIT license.