C++ API micro service for boxes react front end
Has routes set up to server boxesReact Production build files. Path are currently hardcoded in the source. Will change to commandline startup arguments
Log in will automatically create user if username is not take with password entered.
Needs better mutex locking access to arrays of boxes and items and move functions to classes
Most routes for JSON API done.
Serves simple requests in less than 2 ms.
When starting service dbcommection string like 'boxes:boxes@' must be passed as commandline argument.
Requires libs installed in addition to normal c++ build tools to compile
MySQLConnector C++ uses xDev API https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-cpp/8.0/en/
served https://github.com/meltwater/served
libboost https://www.boost.org/ (sudo apt install libboost-all-dev)
Once you have all dependancies installed from root of project run:
make build or make clean
- or run with docker set up below....
You will need to load the database "boxes.sql" in data directory into a mysql instance running on host database named "boxes" and set up user "boxes" and password "boxes" on host.
The container "startServer.sh" is set up to use argument "--add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway" so the docker container will reference the database by the dsn "host.docker.internal" if you are running a reasonably up to date docker installation this will work on linux, mac and windows.
There is a docker file that contains all the set up to enable libraries and copy executable file into the container
- create container run: ./createBoxesDockerContainer.sh
- list the containers get the container id run: docker image list
- In the "startServer.sh" replace the hash with the containerid from above
- Run: startServer.sh
You should then be able to access:
GET - Get all boxes{id} - Get list of items for a box{id} - Get an Item - Logout
PUT{id} - updates existing box{id} - updates existing item
POST - returns new box json with auto increment id - returns new item json with auto increment id
DELETE{id} - deleted box if you have ownership{id} - deletes item if you have ownership
.... other methods need added still
With authkey to bench with apache bench must add cookie
ab -c50 -n1000000 -C 'authToken=fa37JncCHryDsbzayy4cBWDxS22JjzhM'
ab -c50 -n1000000 -C 'authToken=fa37JncCHryDsbzayy4cBWDxS22JjzhM'
Improved caching ab results at commit "74b7ac7"