This repo shares the LabView code developed during my undergraduate research between 2018 and 2019. In the project, the prototype was improved in order to allow the implementation of a Nonlinear Controller based on State-Dependent Ricatti Equations (SDRE), as well as the validation of a novel dynamic modelling of a Hovercraft, developed in the Lab by a former graduate student of the Laboratory. The project isn't finished yet, there's a lot of work to be done in order to validate and implement the controller.
- Communication through Wifi Network
- Integrated with IMU (accel / gyroscope)
- 1x myRIO embedded device
- 1x 2200KV brushless DC motor (for hovering effect)
- 2x DC Motors (for propulsion)
- 2x propellers
- 1x ESC 30A
- 1x H-Bridge
- 2x LiPo Baterries
- 1x MPU6050 (IMU sensor)
- The prototype structure
- Implement sensor fusion (Kalman Filter)
- Integrate with GPS or SLAM system
- Validate automatic controller
This project is released under the MIT License. Please review the License file for more details.