The sample Applications here work with GUIslice API and GUIsliceBuilder.
The GUIslice API framework code can handle hardware like Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32 and more. It supports Graphic libraries like Adafruit's GFX, M5Stack, TFT_eSPI and LINUX with a wide variety of TFT Display Drivers and combinations of Touch support chips. While GUIslice Builder is a standalone desktop application that is more than a layout tool for your UI. It's designed as Low Code GUI Generator for User Interfaces that make use of GUIslice API.
GUIslice Solutions is selection of sample applications that I have written over the years. They go beyond the examples provided with the GUIslice API package and demostrate the more advanced features of the api. Some have been rejected or diluted for inclusion with the GUIslice Examples having been deemed too complicated. However, many of them have been requested by users of the API to solve specific problems. Most have been posted in one form or another within the issues sections of GUIslice API and GUIslice Builder. This has made them somewhat hard to find and often needed to be posted more than once. So I have gathered them here in one place to make them more accessible.
Name | Demonstrates |
btn-physical | How to bind a physical key to a specific button element |
busywait | Animation that indicates task will run indeterminate length of time |
ContinuePress-Btn | Continueus Press of a Button |
drag-popup | Make a popup window draggable by a user |
ex_boot_screen | splash screen at startup waiting for any initialization |
ex_splash_screen | Another splash screen at startup but waits N seconds |
flashing-text | Demonstration of Flashing Text |
led-panel | How to use a Box with a Draw Callback to implementa panel of LEDs |
Longpress-Btn | How to make a Button run a motor only while being pressed |
no-flicker-graph | How to display your graphs without any major flicker |
ntp-test | Base page to create a status line and also use NTP Time Service |
passwd_input | How to make a Input Text field hide or show a password |
popup_input | How to use popup with input and validate data |
progress-percent | Progress Bar with embedded percent completed and no flicker |
runtime_calibration | Tune touch calibrations and read/store either SD Card, EEPROM, or flash |
screen-saver | Screen saver that appears after N seconds of no activity |
screen-saver-logo | Screen saver displaying animation Bitmap like a company logo |
simple_tabs | Custom Extended Element XTabBtn control to simplify tab handling |