TrybeSmith is a project completed in the Trybe course, simulating a database (MySQL) application where we play the role of the "blacksmith". We have products, users, and orders, and we must forge a back-end application to serve the users.
The project includes the following features:
- User Registration and Login: Uses token validation.
- Order Registration, Deletion, and Editing.
- Viewing and Registering New Products.
The project was developed using the following technologies:
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- MSC Model (Model, Service, Controller)
- Node.js
- Postman
- Beekeeper
To install and run the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Install Node.js on your machine.
- In the project folder, install the dependencies by running the command:
npm install
- To run the tests, use:
npm run test:local
- To test the application, go to the following path in your browser:
The main learning from this project was the use of TypeScript to type data, including variables, functions, parameters, returns, arrays, etc. It was also interesting to continue consolidating the use of the MSC model.
The TrybeSmith project offers a practical and efficient Back-End application with a database for product registration, user creation and validation, and order creation and organization.