Releases: PedroHenry-Santos/Letmeask
Releases · PedroHenry-Santos/Letmeask
1.5.0 (2021-06-30)
Bug Fixes
- room: fix production bug, where it does not close the room in some cases (93aae32)
- room/adminroom: fix bug in the styling of room components (535a9be)
- responsivo: add responsive to all pages and components (6b2dafd)
- room/adminroom: add answered questions as last positions (fec833d)
- room/adminroom: add limit of questions to be displayed on screen (04c48ae)
- room/adminroom: add sorting of questions by likes in real time (d8cfc95)
- room/adminroom: add the highlighted questions as the first (98994cc)
1.4.0 (2021-06-28)
- closepage: add redirect page when room is closed and refactor images (034cd0b)
- home: add automatic redirection of users according to their permission (35a0374)
- room/adminroom: feat to check if the room is active and close the room to all users realtime (0877c54)
1.3.0 (2021-06-28)
- home/newroom: add component shows the logged in user, changing the interface to user (7bdbdd1)
- motion: add animation to components with framer-motion for more interactivity (04d77f4)
1.2.0 (2021-06-27)
Bug Fixes
- newroom/room: add create new room, create question room page, create and list new question (49c9988)
- room/adminroom: add feature to highlight and mark answered questions (8194b58)
- room/adminroom: add presentation image in question rooms (fa1a8c0)
- room/adminroom: add question component, share info, admin page, remove questions and end room (05e7ac5)
- themes: add dark and light theme functionality and Scss refactoring for stylized-components (f604313)
1.1.0 (2021-06-24)
- newroom/room: add create new room, create question room page, create and list new question (20b529e)
1.0.0 (2021-06-23)
- home/newroom: add home pages, Firebase authentication and context to share information (63e9d4c)