💻 Spring Batch Application to migrate data from .csv files 📑 to a configured database with Docker 🐳.
It is a framework that uses the Java Virtual Machine and the Spring Ecosystem to build batch applications. By definition, batch systems are systems that realize a process of a finite amount of data without interaction or interruption.
To learn more about this framework, view this article on the Notion: SpringBatch Article
It's a job responsible to execute two steps that will import people and banks from a .csv file to a configured datasource mysql.
These are the files that will be imported:
If some person of the file people.csv is invalid with name, email or birthDate wrongs, the person isn't inserted on the datasource. In this case, the application will build a file in the path /files/output with the name invalid-people.csv and put these invalid records represented by id.
- docker
With the docker started, execute this command at the project root:
docker-compose up -d --build
Person records:
docker-compose exec database_app mysql -u root -papp#1234 -e "select * from app_batch.person;"
Bank records:
docker-compose exec database_app mysql -u root -papp#1234 -e "select * from app_batch.bank;"
Navigate to /files/output/ inside of project root and open the file invalid-people.csv. You will see the invalid records id if exists.
To stop correctly:
docker-compose down -v
Remember to execute this command each time that you want change the parameter value.
👤 Pedro Lucas
- Twitter: @PedroLucasOM
- Github: @PedroLucasOM
- LinkedIn: @PedroLucasOM
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Copyright © 2021 Pedro Lucas.