Contains example advancements (see here) and commands (see here) to detect when a player opens a given GUI.
Block interactions can be detected using the item_used_on_block
advancement trigger. The following blocks are supported:
- All shulker boxes
- All anvils
- All command blocks
- Crafting table
- Stonecutter
- Cartography table
- Smithing table
- Grindstone
- Loom
- Furnace, Smoker, Blast Furnace
- Enchantment table
- Brewing stand
- Beacon
- Chest, Trapped Chest, Ender Chest
- Barrel
- Dropper
- Dispenser
- Hopper
- Signs, Hanging Signs, Wall Signs (both placing and editing)
- Lectern (delayed by 1 tick if opened using a written/writable book)
The following entities are supported using the player_interacted_with_entity
advancement trigger:
- Mules (not when player is riding)
- Donkeys (not when player is riding)
- Horses (not when player is riding)
- Llamas (not when player is riding)
- Chest boats (not when player is riding)
- Chest minecarts
- Hopper minecarts
Detecting closing of GUIs is not supported and needs to be implemented separately.
GUIs that cannot be detected:
- Horse/donkey/mule/llama inventory when player is riding
- Chest boat inventory when player is riding
- Player inventory
GUIs that are unreliable in singleplayer (non LAN) worlds:
- Written and writable books