$ https://github.com/PeeyushPrashant/one8-ecom.git
$ cd one8-store
$ npm install
$ npm start
- one8 Store is an ecommerce web app for Sneakers of various brands.one8 Store offer its users to purchase from a wide variety of classy Sneakers.
- Users will be able to create account , login and logout from the application via an authentication system.
- React JS
- React Context API + useReducer
- React Router v6
- Vanilla CSS integrated with one8Ui Component Library
- Home Page
- Product Listing Page
- Individual Product Page
- Filter & sort products
- Search product
- Cart Management
- Wishlist Management
- Address Management
- Loader
- Toastify
- User Profile Page
- Apply Coupon
- Checkout Page
- Payment Gateway integration
- Orders Page
- Authentication
- Login
- Signup
- Logout
- Responsive✅