$ git clone https://github.com/PeeyushPrashant/one8-note.git
$ cd one8-note
$ npm install
$ npm start
- one8 note is a note taking web app(something similar to google keep) for you to remember everything important.
- It helps user to organize tasks , lists & reminders.
- React JS
- React Context API + useReducer
- React Router v6
- Vanilla CSS integrated with EagleUI Component Library
- Add a new note
- Edit & Delete Note
- Filter By Label & Sort by Time
- Choose color while adding note
- Add Label to notes
- Loader
- Pinned & Unpinned Notes
- User Profile page
- Authentication
- Sign-up
- Login
- Logout
- Trash & Archive
- Archive Notes
- Restore from archive
- Move notes to trash
- Delete from trash
- Restore from trash
- Dark Mode
- Responsive ✅