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S3 Multibucket

S3 Multibucket #33

Triggered via pull request March 29, 2024 00:59
synchronize #23
Status Success
Total duration 20s


on: pull_request_target
Run linters


1 error and 8 warnings
Run linters
This action does not have permission to push to forks. You may want to run it only on `push` events.
Run linters: src/
[lint] reported by reviewdog 🐶 Raw Output: src/ Takes in the configured `s3.service_url` and uses the bucket/object requested to generate src/ the virtual host URL, as well as the canonical URI (which is the path to the object). src/ AmazonRequest::parseURL( const std::string & url, src/ std::string & path ) { src/ auto i = url.find( "://" ); src/ if( i == std::string::npos ) { return false; } src/ //protocol = substring( url, 0, i ); src/ src/ auto j = url.find( "/", i + 3 ); src/ if( j == std::string::npos ) { src/ if (style == "path") { src/ host = substring( url, i + 3 ); src/ } else { src/ host = bucket + "." + substring( url, i + 3 ); src/ } src/ src/ path = "/" + object; src/ return true; src/ Takes in the configured `s3.service_url` and uses the bucket/object requested src/ to generate the virtual host URL, as well as the canonical URI (which is the src/ path to the object). src/ AmazonRequest::parseURL(const std::string &url, std::string &path) { src/ auto i = url.find("://"); src/ if (i == std::string::npos) { src/ return false; src/ } src/ // protocol = substring( url, 0, i ); src/ src/ auto j = url.find("/", i + 3); src/ if (j == std::string::npos) { src/ if (style == "path") { src/ host = substring(url, i + 3); src/ } else { src/ host = bucket + "." + substring(url, i + 3);
Run linters: src/
[lint] reported by reviewdog 🐶 Raw Output: src/ &log, S3FileSystem *oss) : src/ m_log(log), src/ m_oss(oss), src/ content_length(0), src/ last_modified(0) src/{} src/ src/ src/ src/ const S3FileSystem & fs, const char * fullPath, std::string & exposedPath, std::string & object ) { src/ // src/ // Check the path for validity. src/ // src/ std::filesystem::path p(fullPath); src/ auto pathComponents = p.begin(); src/ src/ ++pathComponents; src/ if( pathComponents == p.end() ) { return -ENOENT; } src/ exposedPath = *pathComponents; src/ src/ // Objects names may contain path separators. src/ ++pathComponents; src/ if( pathComponents == p.end() ) { return -ENOENT; } src/ src/ std::filesystem::path objectPath = *pathComponents++; src/ for( ; pathComponents != p.end(); ++pathComponents ) { src/ objectPath /= (* pathComponents); src/ } src/ object = objectPath.string(); src/ src/ fprintf( stderr, "object = %s\n", object.c_str() ); src/ src/ return 0; src/ &log, S3FileSystem *oss) src/ : m_log(log), m_oss(oss), content_length(0), last_modified(0) {} src/ src/ parse_path(const S3FileSystem &fs, const char *fullPath, src/ std::string &exposedPath, std::string &object) { src/ // src/ // Check the path for validity. src/ // src/ std::filesystem::path p(fullPath); src/ auto pathComponents = p.begin(); src/ src/ ++pathComponents; src/ if (pathComponents == p.end()) { src/ return -ENOENT; src/ } src/ exposedPath = *pathComponents; src/ src/ // Objects names may contain path separators. src/ ++pathComponents; src/ if (pathComponents == p.end()) { src/ return -ENOENT; src/ } src/ src/ std::filesystem::path objectPath = *pathComponents++; src/ for (; pathComponents != p.end(); ++pathComponents) { src/ objectPath /= (*pathComponents); src/ } src/ object = objectPath.string(); src/ src/ fprintf(stderr, "object = %s\n", object.c_str()); src/ src/ return 0;
Run linters: src/
[lint] reported by reviewdog 🐶 Raw Output: src/ src/ src/ char *path, int Oflag, mode_t Mode, XrdOucEnv &env) src/{ src/ std::string exposedPath, object; src/ int rv = parse_path( * m_oss, path, exposedPath, object ); src/ if( rv != 0 ) { return rv; } src/ if(!m_oss->exposedPathExists(exposedPath)) return -ENOENT; src/ src/ std::string configured_s3_region = m_oss->getS3Region(exposedPath); src/ std::string configured_s3_service_url = m_oss->getS3ServiceURL(exposedPath); src/ std::string configured_s3_access_key = m_oss->getS3AccessKeyFile(exposedPath); src/ std::string configured_s3_secret_key = m_oss->getS3SecretKeyFile(exposedPath); src/ std::string configured_s3_bucket_name = m_oss->getS3BucketName(exposedPath); src/ src/ // We used to query S3 here to see if the object existed, but of course src/ // if you're creating a file on upload, you don't care. src/ src/ this->s3_object_name = object; src/ this->s3_bucket_name = configured_s3_bucket_name; src/ this->s3_service_url = configured_s3_service_url; src/ this->s3_access_key = configured_s3_access_key; src/ this->s3_secret_key = configured_s3_secret_key; src/ std::string configured_s3_url_style = m_oss->getS3URLStyle(); src/ src/ src/ // We used to query S3 here to see if the object existed, but of course src/ // if you're creating a file on upload, you don't care. src/ src/ this->s3_object_name = object; src/ this->s3_bucket_name = configured_s3_bucket_name; src/ this->s3_service_url = configured_s3_service_url; src/ this->s3_access_key = configured_s3_access_key; src/ this->s3_secret_key = configured_s3_secret_key; src/ this->s3_url_style = configured_s3_url_style; src/ return 0; src/ S3File::Open(const char *path, int Oflag, mode_t Mode, XrdOucEnv &env) { src/ std::string exposedPath, object; src/ int rv = parse_path(*m_oss, path, exposedPath, object); src/ if (rv != 0) { src/ return rv; src/ } src/ if (!m_oss->exposedPathExists(exposedPath)) src/ return -ENOENT; src/ src/ std::string configured_s3_region = m_oss->getS3Region(exposedPath); src/ std::string configured_s3_service_url = m_oss->getS3ServiceURL(exposedPath); src/ std::string configured_s3_access_key = m_oss->getS3AccessKeyFile(exposedPath); src/ std::string configured_s3_secret_key = m_oss->getS3SecretKeyFile(exposedPath); src/ std::string configured_s3_bucket_name = m_oss->getS3BucketName(exposedPath); src/ src/ // We used to query S3 here to see if the object existed, but of course src/ // if you're creating a file on upload, you don't care. src/ src/ this->s3_object_name = object; src/ this->s3_bucket_name = configured_s3_bucket_name; src/ this->s3_service_url = configured_s3_service_url; src/ this->s3_access_key = configured_s3_access_key; src/ this->s3_secret_key = configured_s3_secret_key; src/ std::string configured_s3_url_style = m_oss->getS3URLStyle(); src/ src/ // We used to query S3 here to see if the object existed, but of course src/ // if you're creating a file on upload, you don't care. src/ src/ this->s3_object_name = object; src/S3Fil
Run linters: src/
[lint] reported by reviewdog 🐶 Raw Output: src/ src/ src/ stat *buff) src/{ src/ AmazonS3Head head( src/ this->s3_service_url, src/ this->s3_access_key, src/ this->s3_secret_key, src/ this->s3_bucket_name, src/ this->s3_object_name, src/ this->s3_url_style, src/ m_log src/ ); src/ src/ if(! head.SendRequest()) { src/ // SendRequest() returns false for all errors, including ones src/ // where the server properly responded with something other src/ // than code 200. If xrootd wants us to distinguish between src/ // these cases, head.getResponseCode() is initialized to 0, so src/ // we can check. src/ std::stringstream ss; src/ ss << "Failed to send HeadObject command: " << head.getResponseCode() << "'" << head.getResultString() << "'"; src/ m_log.Log(LogMask::Warning, "S3File::Fstat", ss.str().c_str()); src/ return -ENOENT; src/ } src/ src/ src/ std::string headers = head.getResultString(); src/ src/ std::string line; src/ size_t current_newline = 0; src/ size_t next_newline = std::string::npos; src/ size_t last_character = headers.size(); src/ while( current_newline != std::string::npos && current_newline != last_character - 1 ) { src/ next_newline = headers.find( "\r\n", current_newline + 2); src/ line = substring( headers, current_newline + 2, next_newline ); src/ src/ size_t colon = line.find(":"); src/ if( colon != std::string::npos && colon != line.size() ) { src/ std::string attr = substring( line, 0, colon ); src/ std::string value = substring( line, colon + 1 ); src/ trim(value); src/ toLower(attr); src/ src/ if( attr == "content-length" ) { src/ this->content_length = std::stol(value); src/ } else if( attr == "last-modified" ) { src/ struct tm t; src/ char * eos = strptime( value.c_str(), src/ "%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z", src/ & t ); src/ if( eos == & value.c_str()[value.size()] ) { src/ time_t epoch = timegm(& t); src/ if( epoch != -1 ) { src/ this->last_modified = epoch; src/ } src/ } src/ } src/ S3File::Fstat(struct stat *buff) { src/ AmazonS3Head head(this->s3_service_url, this->s3_access_key, src/ this->s3_secret_key, this->s3_bucket_name, src/ this->s3_object_name, this->s3_url_style, m_log); src/ src/ if (!head.SendRequest()) { src/ // SendRequest() returns false for all errors, including ones src/ // where the server properly responded with something other src/ // than code 200. If xrootd wants us to distinguish between src/ // these cases, head.getResponseCode() is initialized to 0, so src/ // we can check. src/ std::stringstream ss; src/ ss <<
Run linters: src/
[lint] reported by reviewdog 🐶 Raw Output: src/ } src/ return true; src/} src/ src/ src/ src/ *lp, const char *configfn) src/{ src/ XrdOucEnv myEnv; src/ XrdOucStream Config(&m_log, getenv("XRDINSTANCE"), &myEnv, "=====> "); src/ src/ int cfgFD = open(configfn, O_RDONLY, 0); src/ if (cfgFD < 0) { src/ m_log.Emsg("Config", errno, "open config file", configfn); src/ } src/ if (newAccessInfo->getS3Region().empty()) { src/ m_log.Emsg("Config", "s3.region not specified");
Run linters: src/
[lint] reported by reviewdog 🐶 Raw Output: src/ src/ char * temporary; src/ std::string value; src/ std::string attribute; src/ Config.Attach(cfgFD); src/ S3AccessInfo *newAccessInfo = new S3AccessInfo(); src/ std::string exposedPath; src/ while ((temporary = Config.GetMyFirstWord())) { src/ attribute = temporary; src/ temporary = Config.GetWord(); src/ if(attribute == "s3.end") { src/ s3_access_map[exposedPath] = newAccessInfo; src/ if(newAccessInfo->getS3ServiceName().empty()) { src/ m_log.Emsg("Config", "s3.service_name not specified"); src/ return false; src/ } src/ if(newAccessInfo->getS3Region().empty()) { src/ m_log.Emsg("Config", "s3.region not specified"); src/ return false; src/ } src/ newAccessInfo = new S3AccessInfo(); src/ exposedPath = ""; src/ continue; src/ } src/ if(! temporary) { continue; } src/ value = temporary; src/ src/ if(!handle_required_config("s3.path_name",value) ) { Config.Close(); return false; } src/ if(!handle_required_config("s3.bucket_name",value) ) { Config.Close(); return false; } src/ if(!handle_required_config("s3.service_name",value) ) { Config.Close(); return false; } src/ if(!handle_required_config("s3.region", value ) ) { Config.Close(); return false; } src/ if(!handle_required_config("s3.service_url", value) ) { Config.Close(); return false; } src/ if(!handle_required_config("s3.access_key_file", value) ) { Config.Close(); return false; } src/ if(!handle_required_config("s3.secret_key_file", value) ) { Config.Close(); return false; } src/ if(!handle_required_config("s3.url_style", value) ) { Config.Close(); return false; } src/ src/ if(attribute == "s3.path_name") exposedPath = value; src/ else if(attribute == "s3.bucket_name") newAccessInfo->setS3BucketName(value); src/ else if(attribute == "s3.service_name") newAccessInfo->setS3ServiceName(value); src/ else if(attribute == "s3.region") newAccessInfo->setS3Region(value); src/ else if(attribute == "s3.access_key_file") newAccessInfo->setS3AccessKeyFile(value); src/ else if(attribute == "s3.secret_key_file") newAccessInfo->setS3SecretKeyFile(value); src/ else if(attribute == "s3.service_url") newAccessInfo->setS3ServiceUrl(value); src/ else if(attribute == "s3.url_style") this->s3_url_style = value; src/ src/ if (!temporary) { src/ continue;
Run linters: src/
[lint] reported by reviewdog 🐶 Raw Output: src/ if( this->s3_url_style.empty() ) { src/ m_log.Emsg("Config", "s3.url_style not specified"); src/ return false; src/ } else { src/ // We want this to be case-insensitive. src/ toLower( this->s3_url_style ); src/ if (!handle_required_config("s3.path_name", value)) { src/ Config.Close(); src/ return false;
Run linters
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, wearerequired/lint-action@v2. For more information see: