- A reusable lockup contract for a select fungible token.
- Lockup schedule can be set as a list of checkpoints with time and balance.
- Supports multiple lockups per account ID.
- Ability to create a lockup that can be terminated
- A single lockup can be only terminated by a specific account ID.
- Supports custom vesting schedule that should be ahead of the lockup schedule
- The vesting schedule can be hidden behind a hash, so it only needs to be revealed in case of termnation.
- Automatic rollbacks if a FT transfer fails.
- Claiming all account's lockups in a single transaction.
- Ability to add new lockups.
- Whitelist for the accounts that can create new lockups.
export OWNER_ID=owner_account.testnet
export USER_ID=user_account.testnet
export TOKEN_CONTRACT_ID=wrap.testnet
near create-account $LOCKUP_CONTRACT_ID --masterAccount $OWNER_ID
near deploy --accountId $LOCKUP_CONTRACT_ID --wasmFile ./res/ft_lockup.wasm --initFunction new --initArgs '{"token_account_id": "'$TOKEN_CONTRACT_ID'", "deposit_whitelist": ["'$OWNER_ID'"]}'
near call $TOKEN_CONTRACT_ID storage_deposit '{"account_id": "'$LOCKUP_CONTRACT_ID'"}' --accountId $OWNER_ID --amount .00125
near call $TOKEN_CONTRACT_ID storage_deposit '{"account_id": "'$OWNER_ID'"}' --accountId $OWNER_ID --amount .00125
near call $TOKEN_CONTRACT_ID storage_deposit '{"account_id": "'$USER_ID'"}' --accountId $USER_ID --amount .00125
near call $TOKEN_CONTRACT_ID near_deposit '' --accountId $OWNER_ID --amount 10
TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s)
ONE_YEAR_LINEAR_LOCKUP_ESC=$(echo $ONE_YEAR_LINEAR_LOCKUP | perl -pe 's/\"/\\"/g')
near call $TOKEN_CONTRACT_ID ft_transfer_call '{"receiver_id": "'$LOCKUP_CONTRACT_ID'","amount": "'$AMOUNT'","msg":"'$ONE_YEAR_LINEAR_LOCKUP_ESC'"}' --account-id $OWNER_ID --gas 300000000000000 --amount .000000000000000000000001
near view $LOCKUP_CONTRACT_ID get_account_lockups '{"account_id": "'$USER_ID'"}'
near view $TOKEN_CONTRACT_ID ft_balance_of '{"account_id": "'$USER_ID'"}'
near call $LOCKUP_CONTRACT_ID claim '' --account-id $USER_ID --gas 300000000000000