- This is a simple snake game. The snake is controlled by the arrow keys. The food is randomly generated. It includes a map editor and some pre-defined maps.
The game was tested on a Windows 11 and Arch Linux using the Java Version 17-18. The Jar file is included in the repository
The Jar file can be run without any additional libraries.
This will open a Window where you can save the map.
- The map can be loaded by clicking the "Load Map" button.
- Map files also include all the other settings.
Row (row) | Cell (cell) | Cell (cell) | Cell (cell) | Row (/row) |
Row (row) | Cell (cell) | Cell (cell) | Cell (cell) | Row (/row) |
Option (options) |
Info |
Game Speed (snakeSpeed) |
The speed of the game. The higher the number, the faster the game. |
Snake Size (snakeSize) |
The size of the snake. The higher the number, the longer the snake. (In the start) |
Point Multiplier (pointMultiplier) |
The multiplier for the points. The higher the number, the more points you get for eating food. |
Amount Of Food (foodAmount) |
The amount of food on the map. The higher the number, the more food there is. |
Snake Grow (snakeGrow) |
The Grow rate of the snake for eating food. The higher the number, the faster the snake grows. |
Snake Color (snakeColor) |
The color of the snake. ( Can only be changed in the xml file ) |
Food Color (foodColor)) |
The color of the food. ( Can only be changed in the xml file ) |
I compiled the game with IntelliJ IDEA. The following commands were used:
mvn clean compile
mvn package
Or it can also be run from:
View >>> Tool Windows >>> Maven >>> clean & package