Just a beiginer
*************************************************************************************************************** 2019.7.18 When graduate from NJUPT, I'm sudenly a beginer in job seeking market and the whole society.
So on one hand, i'm summarizing the work in Ph.D time, then try to form something memorizable. On the other hand, I'm trying to plan the futher study during the first 3 years of my career (2019.9~2022.8).
For the former, I'm trying to understand the wireless communication and form one new article. 2) Trying to merge Comm & NN to form an article about Wearable Comm.
For the latter, I'm seeking and deeging new directions. Mainly the java, python program language, 2) the algorithm, DL methodology. 3) the deeper knowledge about data sturcture, server(BD IoT CloudComp) and OS(Linux, Java Parallel).
So much work, so less time, and I'm really liking to waste time in relax, in home affairs and more propotion in gaming, reading novels.