A python script to generate start and end arrangements for the inglenook shunting puzzle. Arrangements of wagons can be generated for 3-2-2 or 5-3-3 puzzles.
Currently the code is command-line only. The program is run as: python inglenook.py 322
or python inglenook.py 533
followed by a list of the wagons to be arranged.
For example:
$ python inglenook.py 533 HAA ZKV IEA MLA YMO clam rudd HTA
The target order is: ['ZKV', 'HAA', 'MLA', 'HTA', 'rudd']
The starting setup is:
Long siding: ['rudd', 'HTA', 'ZKV', 'YMO', 'IEA']
First short siding: ['clam', 'MLA']
Second short siding: ['HAA']