Utopia P2P Ecosystem user-friendly desktop terminal for spot trading on the stock exchange crp.is
The advantages of this solution:
- An excellent basis for creating your own trading bot or terminal for the CRP.IS exchange.
- An example application running on CRP.is API and Qt.
- Possibility of build on any system, including Android and Web!
- Based on this, you can create a full-fledged crypto service, and you can additionally connect work with multiple users if you refine this application.
All features:
- Working with user authorization.
- Interaction with CRP.is API
- The basis for creating trading algorithms.
- Fully functional trading terminal.
- Processing events from the exchange in real time.
- Intuitive GUI.
Building a project from source code (Windows)
- Install latest version Qt from https://qt.io
- Open this project in the Qt Creator editor.
- Switch to Release mode.
- Run the project to check if it works right.
- Delete all files in the release folder except the utopia-terminal.exe file or simply copy the utopia-terminal.exe file to a new folder.
- Open the console in the compiler folder. For Windows it will be for example “c:\Qt\6.7.2\mingw_64\bin\”.
- Execute command:
windeployqt --release --qmldir c:\Qt6\6.7.2\mingw_64\qml\ c:\Projects\utopia-terminal\build[Release_Folder]\utopia-terminal.exe
You can now run utopia-terminal.exe without QtCreator. You can also download one of the latest releases of this project.
Good luck!