Version 2025.2.0 - Maintenance Release
Tested with HA 2025.2.0
#358 - Away mode causes zones to become unavailable
When Away Mode is activated in a zoned lennox system; all zones besides the primary zone would become unavailable and an error would be logged. On startup this could prevent the climate entity from initializing.
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/climate/", line 386, in capability_attributes
if ClimateEntityFeature.TARGET_HUMIDITY in supported_features:
TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable
The issue is resolved.
#339 - Dropping message from Unknown Sender
In a system with multiple S30s this error could be logged during startup due to a race condition resulting in this error being logged. This issue has been resolved and test coverage expanded.
#340 - message pump - unexpected exception
This error was logged when the integration failed to JSON decode a message from the S30. The integration will better handle the error and log the raw message to understand what the content of the message is.
What's Changed
- Correct return type of climate entity feature by @PeteRager in #359
Full Changelog: 2024.11.0...2025.2.0