A fullstack MERN application developed for a startup hosting service provider. The system features JWT authentication and authoriztaion, CRUD operations for cleints and admin, with a mailing system.
- Register as a client: Allow users to create an account
- Login as a client: Allow users to login an account
- Purchase service as a client: Allow users to order and generate invoice.
- Make Payment: Allow users to make payment via the checkout
- Login as an admin: Allow the admin to login.
- Create service: Allow the admin to create new services to offer.
- Update service: Allow the admin to update services.
- Delete service: Allow the admin to delete services.
- Creete invoice: Allow the admin to create new invoice.
- Update invoice: Allow the admin to update an invoice.
- Delete invoice: Allow the admin to delete an invoice.
To install and set up the KodasHub App, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/PhilipOyelegbin/kodashub.git
Move into respective folder:
cd backend # to move into the backend folder cd frontend # to move into the frontend folder
Install dependencies:
npm install # to install the dependecies for backend project yarn # to install the dependecies for frontend project
After installation, you can use the following commands to manage your kodashub app:
Start the app:
npm run start // start the backend server <!-- or --> yarn dev // start the frontend app
NB: Swagger-autogen was used for the backend swagegr ui (https://swagger-autogen.github.io/docs/)
Click here to access the live application
Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the ISC License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
For any questions or inquiries, please contact info@philipoyelegbin.com.ng.