Add release capabilities and update docs (a36bb98 )
Add logo (7222a0d )
Add GitHub token to env script (bdd538a )
Add GitHub workflow (f700058 )
Add license and documentation (53d48ba )
Add initial Discord.js implementation (43573cf )
Add success method for logger (7d18cdb )
Create initial parsers (1321b3f )
Raise Consola logger level to 4 (debug) (df9330f )
Allow synthetic default imports (2324576 )
Add Discord.js and update dependencies (1f6bb1a )
Update engine versions (72c4be4 )
Create script for generating env files (ee74a56 )
Add dotenv configuration (202e832 )
Add engines and NVM config (ed33f58 )
Create folder for utilities (bb31971 )
Create initial tests (cf1dc10 )
Add Jest for testing (5a6916c )
Add compiler options and watch to ts-node-dev (42b419a )
Add consola as logger (b56b504 )
Add Husky and lint-staged (c5fe225 )
Add ESLint and Prettier with TypeScript support (9a52f39 )
Remove comments and sort keys (c19509b )
Add rollup.js to handle ESM builds (c8149f2 )
Initial TypeScript setup (97e010e )
Add .gitignore (f91dbd3 )
Add editor configurations (38441ac )
Create project with NPM (b2f94d0 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.