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Task02 Игорь Логинов SPbU #15

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@I-7 I-7 commented May 1, 2024

  1. Зачем фильтровать матчи, если потом мы запускаем устойчивый к выбросам RANSAC и отфильтровываем шумные сопоставления?

Чтобы вероятность выбрать хорошую четвёрку точек была выше (и, соответственно, нужно было меньше итераций в RANSAC)

  1. Cluster filtering довольно хорошо работает и без Ratio test. Однако, если оставить только Cluster filtering, некоторые тесты начнут падать. Почему так происходит? В каких случаях наоборот, не хватает Ratio test и необходима дополнительная фильтрация?

Cluster filtering работает хуже без Ratio test, так как из-за похожести дескрипторов не совпадающих точек могут быть выброшены корректные матчи + некоторые некорректные матчи могут пройти, так как мы их не убрали раньше.

Сам по себе Ratio Test убирает относительно мало некорректных матчей, поэтому без Cluster Filtering к этапу RANSAC остаётся слишком много пар точек.

  1. С какой проблемой можно столкнуться при приравнивании единице элемента H33 матрицы гомографии? Как ее решить?

Он может быть равен нулю. Использовать другой способ нахождения матрицы гомографии.

  1. Какой подвох таится в попытке склеивать большие панорамы и ортофото методом, реализованным в данной домашке? (Для интуиции можно посмотреть на результат склейки, когда за корень взята какая-нибудь другая картинка)

Как минимум, что фотографии являются фотографиями пространства, а не плоскости и из-за этого всё, что связано с объёмом, страдает. (Например, я пробовал склеить left1 и right1, получается что одна фотография становится очень маленькой, а другая сильно растянута ближе к краю и это выглядит не очень (но наверное эти фотографии вообще сложно склеить))

Помимо этого, в дереве могут быть длинные пути и тогда небольшие ошибки матчинга между соседними снимками накапливаются в большие ошибки между далёкими кадрами

  1. Как можно автоматически построить граф для построения панорамы, чтобы на вход метод принимал только список картинок?

Попарно попытаться посклеивать картинки, для каждой пары посчитать какую-то метрику качества (например, зависящую от количества совпавших точек и матрицы гомографии). Потом найти минимальный/максимальный остов в этом графе (в зависимости от того, лучше низкие значения метрики или высокие). А потом у остова нужно выбрать корень - тут наверное можно попробовать все корни и решить, какой лучше по какой-нибудь другой метрике (например, минимизировать максимальное изменение размера картинки) - для некоторых метрик это должно быть возможно сделать, не рисуя итоговую картинку.

  1. Если с вашей реализацией SIFT пройти тесты не получилось, напишите (если пробовали дебажить), где, как вам кажется, проблема и как вы пробовали ее решать.

Пробовал позапускать. Часто падает knn с ошибкой (как я понял), что не для всех точек получилось найти сопоставление. Мой SIFT находит очень много ключевых точек, возможно в этом проблема. Я попробовал поднять contrast_threshold и добавить фильтрацию по размеру - вроде стало лучше, но всё равно многие тесты по тем или иным причинам падают: кажется что там достаточно высокие требования к некоторым метрикам и даже при использовании cv::SIFT подобрать гиперпараметры для деревьев достаточно сложно (а у своего SIFT гораздо больше плохо подобранных параметров + что-то может быть реализовано не очень точно)

  1. Если есть, фидбек по заданию: какая часть больше всего понравилась, где-то слишком сложно/просто (что именно), где-то слишком мало ссылок и тд.

Running main() from /home/runner/work/PhotogrammetryTasks2024/PhotogrammetryTasks2024/libs/3rdparty/libgtest/googletest/src/
[==========] Running 24 tests from 2 test suites.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 20 tests from MATCHING
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.SimpleStitching
testing sift detector/descriptor...
1006 1006
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 1006/1006
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 1006/1006
keypoints RMSE: 0.409804, color RMSE: 15.5244
[       OK ] MATCHING.SimpleStitching (351 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.SimpleMatching
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
brute force matching
BruteforceMatcher::knnMatch : n query desc : 3919, n train desc : 3522
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 1007/1007
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 1007/1007
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0.671345, nn2_score: 0.362082, nn_score_cv: 0.612656, nn2_score_cv: 0.269967, time_my: 0.095896, time_cv: 0.069035, time_bruteforce: 4.41544, good_nn: 0.261291, good_ratio: 0.955869, good_clusters: 0.996441, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.998014
[       OK ] MATCHING.SimpleMatching (4962 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.SimpleMatching1
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
brute force matching
BruteforceMatcher::knnMatch : n query desc : 2269, n train desc : 2141
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 69/273
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 72/273
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 210/273
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 234/273
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 243/273
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 245/273
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 245/273
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0.734685, nn2_score: 0.492287, nn_score_cv: 0.665051, nn2_score_cv: 0.375937, time_my: 0.054948, time_cv: 0.03982, time_bruteforce: 1.55293, good_nn: 0.0709564, good_ratio: 0.393258, good_clusters: 0.61039, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.498168
[       OK ] MATCHING.SimpleMatching1 (2099 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.SimpleMatching2
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
brute force matching
BruteforceMatcher::knnMatch : n query desc : 1536, n train desc : 1707
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 20/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 118/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 119/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 121/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 134/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 142/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 149/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 155/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 159/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 159/190
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0.757161, nn2_score: 0.525391, nn_score_cv: 0.712891, nn2_score_cv: 0.436198, time_my: 0.038741, time_cv: 0.028051, time_bruteforce: 0.822163, good_nn: 0.0807292, good_ratio: 0.392157, good_clusters: 0.481481, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.521053
[       OK ] MATCHING.SimpleMatching2 (1300 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Rotate10
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 233/767
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 764/767
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 766/767
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 767/767
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 767/767
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.116399, time_cv: 0.086702, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.187038, good_ratio: 0.879459, good_clusters: 0.900312, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.923077
[       OK ] MATCHING.Rotate10 (717 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Rotate20
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 197/769
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 358/769
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 769/769
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 769/769
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.119292, time_cv: 0.086897, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.203368, good_ratio: 0.930456, good_clusters: 0.972292, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.989597
[       OK ] MATCHING.Rotate20 (714 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Rotate30
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 597/754
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 751/754
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 752/754
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 752/754
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.118521, time_cv: 0.086722, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.182445, good_ratio: 0.854345, good_clusters: 0.920904, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.911141
[       OK ] MATCHING.Rotate30 (714 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Rotate40
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 584/762
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 762/762
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 762/762
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.118423, time_cv: 0.088059, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.188313, good_ratio: 0.890547, good_clusters: 0.928375, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.930446
[       OK ] MATCHING.Rotate40 (714 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Rotate45
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 541/776
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 622/776
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 757/776
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 775/776
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 775/776
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.121333, time_cv: 0.089194, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.203368, good_ratio: 0.9375, good_clusters: 0.991957, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.993557
[       OK ] MATCHING.Rotate45 (723 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Rotate90
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 777/836
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 832/836
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 835/836
gauss: infinitely many solutions found
gauss: xs0: 543.685, 760.538, 740.635, 543.685, 
gauss: ys0: 597.81, 480.727, 426.608, 597.81, 
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 835/836
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.107568, time_cv: 0.07782, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.212044, good_ratio: 0.92455, good_clusters: 0.963964, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.97488
[       OK ] MATCHING.Rotate90 (688 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Scale50
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 141/172
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 163/172
gauss: infinitely many solutions found
gauss: xs0: 641.098, 641.098, 567.295, 567.236, 
gauss: ys0: 600.161, 600.161, 609.921, 445.935, 
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 167/172
gauss: infinitely many solutions found
gauss: xs0: 788.862, 594.97, 562.182, 562.182, 
gauss: ys0: 265.128, 435.448, 576.766, 576.766, 
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 167/172
evaluating homography...
too few matches: 2
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.067447, time_cv: 0.04574, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.0446542, good_ratio: 0.704167, good_clusters: 0, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.959302
[       OK ] MATCHING.Scale50 (423 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Scale70
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 171/382
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 382/382
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 382/382
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.079996, time_cv: 0.056525, time_bruteforce: 1e-06, good_nn: 0.101812, good_ratio: 0.871332, good_clusters: 0.978261, good_ratio_and_clusters: 1
[       OK ] MATCHING.Scale70 (494 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Scale90
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 238/661
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 661/661
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 661/661
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.09848, time_cv: 0.072309, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.174534, good_ratio: 0.924791, good_clusters: 0.978814, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.993949
[       OK ] MATCHING.Scale90 (653 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Scale110
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 798/798
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 798/798
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.129193, time_cv: 0.09504, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.212299, good_ratio: 0.940629, good_clusters: 0.987152, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.996241
[       OK ] MATCHING.Scale110 (828 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Scale130
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 841/844
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 843/844
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 843/844
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.17381, time_cv: 0.133056, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.220209, good_ratio: 0.934283, good_clusters: 0.985106, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.986967
[       OK ] MATCHING.Scale130 (997 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Scale150
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 799/802
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 800/802
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 801/802
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 801/802
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.25138, time_cv: 0.191628, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.203623, good_ratio: 0.931442, good_clusters: 0.977035, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.967581
[       OK ] MATCHING.Scale150 (1295 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Scale175
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 771/776
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 772/776
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 775/776
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 775/776
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.328313, time_cv: 0.250466, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.190865, good_ratio: 0.875598, good_clusters: 0.926004, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.934278
[       OK ] MATCHING.Scale175 (1679 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Scale200
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 497/865
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 843/865
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 863/865
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 864/865
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 864/865
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.355642, time_cv: 0.276968, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.219444, good_ratio: 0.92316, good_clusters: 0.977737, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.979191
[       OK ] MATCHING.Scale200 (1930 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Rotate10Scale90
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 288/657
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 657/657
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 657/657
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.107894, time_cv: 0.079172, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.175045, good_ratio: 0.917942, good_clusters: 0.962185, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.987823
[       OK ] MATCHING.Rotate10Scale90 (673 ms)
[ RUN      ] MATCHING.Rotate30Scale75
testing sift detector/descriptor...
flann matching...
cv flann matching...
filtering matches by ratio test...
filtering matches by clusters...
filtering matches by ratio & clusters
gauss: infinitely many solutions found
estimating homography...
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 5/444
gauss: xs0: 702.165, 702.165, 651.186, 651.186, 
gauss: ys0: 511.334, 511.334, 584.81, 584.81, 
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 398/444
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 443/444
gauss: infinitely many solutions found
gauss: xs0: 680.001, 642.049, 680.001, 790.926, 
gauss: ys0: 370.11, 538.547, 370.11, 518.87, 
gauss: infinitely many solutions found
gauss: xs0: 761.544, 630.44, 706.788, 706.788, 
gauss: ys0: 530.445, 416.798, 232.891, 232.891, 
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 443/444
evaluating homography...
nn_score: 0, nn2_score: 0, nn_score_cv: 0, nn2_score_cv: 0, time_my: 0.092064, time_cv: 0.066556, time_bruteforce: 0, good_nn: 0.114825, good_ratio: 0.867886, good_clusters: 0.823529, good_ratio_and_clusters: 0.95045
[       OK ] MATCHING.Rotate30Scale75 (545 ms)
[----------] 20 tests from MATCHING (22499 ms total)

[----------] 4 tests from STITCHING
[ RUN      ] STITCHING.SimplePanorama
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 900/1009
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 909/1009
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 1006/1009
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 1007/1009
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 1007/1009
bbox: [1283.81, 640.923], [0, 0]
[       OK ] STITCHING.SimplePanorama (347 ms)
[ RUN      ] STITCHING.SimplePanorama2_1
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 47/192
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 69/192
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 113/192
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 115/192
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 160/192
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 160/192
bbox: [1675.5, 750.799], [0, -127.179]
[       OK ] STITCHING.SimplePanorama2_1 (404 ms)
[ RUN      ] STITCHING.SimplePanorama2_2
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 61/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 83/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 89/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 145/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 151/190
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 151/190
bbox: [1160, 709.825], [-503.741, -157.072]
[       OK ] STITCHING.SimplePanorama2_2 (403 ms)
[ RUN      ] STITCHING.Orthophoto
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 385/1571
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 555/1571
gauss: infinitely many solutions found
gauss: xs0: 138.001, 138.001, 1095.26, 181.026, 
gauss: ys0: 219.38, 219.38, 469.637, 5.15171, 
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 656/1571
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 656/1571
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 349/2341
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 355/2341
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 401/2341
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 476/2341
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 498/2341
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 503/2341
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 545/2341
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 751/2341
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 751/2341
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 30/1265
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 253/1265
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 294/1265
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 355/1265
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 364/1265
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 406/1265
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 534/1265
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 534/1265
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 9/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 17/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 114/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 123/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 262/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 318/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 358/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 409/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 455/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 511/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 514/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 525/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 547/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 550/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 552/1419
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 552/1419
bbox: [1324.56, 1638.8], [-176.242, -289.482]
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 24/1243
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 227/1243
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 253/1243
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 291/1243
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 513/1243
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 542/1243
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 542/1243
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 391/1566
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 426/1566
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 442/1566
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 465/1566
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 539/1566
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 600/1566
gauss: infinitely many solutions found
gauss: xs0: 682.894, 918.769, 66.7883, 66.7883, 
gauss: ys0: 341.42, 367.78, 611.57, 611.57, 
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 600/1566
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 13/2345
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 203/2345
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 359/2345
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 375/2345
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 418/2345
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 588/2345
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 632/2345
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 633/2345
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 710/2345
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 710/2345
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 45/1373
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 164/1373
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 347/1373
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 496/1373
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 533/1373
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 546/1373
estimateHomographyRANSAC : support: 612/1373
estimateHomographyRANSAC : best support: 612/1373
bbox: [1222.16, 864], [-228.143, -940.45]
n stable ortho kpts: : 21337
[       OK ] STITCHING.Orthophoto (13776 ms)
[----------] 4 tests from STITCHING (14930 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 24 tests from 2 test suites ran. (37429 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 24 tests.

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А остальное хорошо

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I-7 commented May 10, 2024

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Задача зачтена, 8/10 баллов 👍

@simiyutin simiyutin closed this May 13, 2024
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