Encloses your application's database scripts within a simple and standardised interface, separating database access from your application logic.
The first parameter to any database functions is always the query name, which represents a query file on disk - either a raw SQL file or a PHP representation of a query using SqlBuilder.
This library organises SQL access through a consistent API. To execute an example query located at src/query/user/getById.sql
, the following pattern is used:
$userRow = $db->fetch("user/getById", 105);
Examples of CRUD operations:
// "fetchAll" method returns an iterable ResultSet of Row objects.
$bookResultSet = $db->fetchAll("shopitem/getItemsInCategory", "books");
foreach($bookResultSet as $bookRow) {
echo "Book title: ", $bookRow->getString("title"), PHP_EOL;
echo "Book price: £", ($bookRow->getFloat("price") + $bookRow->getFloat("vat")), PHP_EOL;
if($bookRow->offerEnds) {
echo "Item on offer until: ", $bookRow->getDateTime("offerEnds")->format("dS M Y");
// "Create" method always returns the last inserted ID:
$newCustomerId = $db->create("customer/new", [
"first_name" => "Marissa",
"last_name" => "Mayer",
"dob" => new DateTime("1975-05-30"),
// "Update" or "delete" methods always return the number of affected rows:
$numberOfItemsAffected = $db->update("shop/item/increasePrice", [
"percent" => 12.5,
"max_increase" => 20.00,
$numberOfDeletedReviews = $db->delete(
new DateTime("-6 months")
// Individual type-safe fields can be pulled from queries that return only one column:
$userName = $db->fetchString("user/getUsernameById", 105);