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Pierre Manceron edited this page Jan 21, 2016 · 14 revisions

Inverse Kinematics

Active links

In IKPy, you can activate or deactivate at will some

For example, in this 4 links Chain, by specifying the mask :

[True, True, False, True]

You will activate every link, but the third one :

To use the link, mask, use the parameter active_links_mask when creating the Chain object.

Initial position

To compute the Inverse Kinematics, the algorithm will need the initial position of the chain. You can pass it by using the initial_position parameter of the inverse_kinematics method. The expected datatype is exactly the same as the expected value of joints of the forward_kinematics method.

This is a very important parameter, and can have huge consequences on the computations (in terms of duration and the returned solution) If you don't provide it, IKPy will take an array filled with zeros as the initial position.

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