A simple javascript library for making games like pokemon go
See it live here
Example Usage:
<script src="js/geolib.min.js"></script>
var isHighAccuracy = true;
var gpsPingRate = 500;
var geo;
// updates every gpsPingRate milliseconds (in this case 500 milliseconds so 0.5 seconds)
function GetPosition(lat, lon)
console.log("latitude: " + lat + " longitude: " + lon);
// This lets you call the point generator which will return the points that are near you.
// Each point has its own seeded random number generator (xorshift) that returns a random float between 0 and 1 (inclusive)
// As long as you use the same seed as someone else then you will see all of the same points as they do if you
// walk where they were or are next to them. This doesn't require any data
var seed = 27;
var points = geo.GeneratePoints(lat, lon, 27);
// We are going to display things we see in a canvas
var windowSizeInPixels = 500;
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
c.width = windowSizeInPixels;
c.height = windowSizeInPixels;
// This can convert meters to lat/lon degrees
// Points will be generated around with at most about 18 meters away from you
var viewRange = geo.MetersToDegrees(20.0);
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
var pt = points[i];
// Local coordinates if you want them they probably aren't useful for you
var ptX = pt[0];
var ptY = pt[1];
// Lat and lon of the generated point
var ptLat = pt[2];
var ptLon = pt[3];
// pseudo random number generator for that point (will always return the same values each time you call GeneratePoints and get this as a result)
var prng = pt[4];
// Take the lattitude of this point subtract our latitude to make it relative to us,
// add viewRange/2 to center us in the middle of the screen, divide by view range to make it a value between 0 and 1,
// then multiply by windowSizeInPixels to get a point on the screen
var ptScreenX = (ptLat-lat+viewRange/2)/viewRange*windowSizeInPixels;
var ptScreenY = (ptLon-lon+viewRange/2)/viewRange*windowSizeInPixels;
// this library generates a lot of points for flexibility as needed but you'll probably want to only show the user a few of them
// For example we can show 1/100 of them
if (prng() < 0.1)
// Draw our generated points as a black dot with a radius of 10 pixels
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
// Draw us in the center of the screen as a blue dot with a radius of 20 pixels
ctx.fillStyle = 'blue';
// Updates every 7 seconds or so to smooth over gps drift/twitches
function GetSpeed(metersPerSecond, metersDiff)
console.log("speed in meters per second: " + metersPerSecond);
console.log("meters traveled since the previous time this function was called: " + metersDiff);
geo = new Geo(isHighAccuracy, gpsPingRate, GetPosition,GetSpeed);
<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>