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RTE - Machine Stable Domain Search


The package provides the python code to create the stable simulation domain of a power generator for the dynamic simulator Eurostag as well as several others scripts for analysing the computed domains and industrializing the search on multiple machines.


Python 2.7 needs to be installed with the following packages :

  • scipy (version 0.12.0 or above for the ConvexHull function)
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • argparse
  • multiprocessing
  • subprocess

Eurostag 5.1.1 with the EUROSTAG environment variable correctly set up. The python API of eurostag must be present as well.

The scripts were tested on a Windows 7 OS and should work on UNIX if Eurostag is correctly installed and the python API is available.

Optionnal : a .off viewer might be useful to vizualise the domains in 3D such as Mesh Viewer

Installing python

Anaconda was used to developp and test the scripts and is thus recommened on Windows. All the packages are already included.

The other option is to manually install python 2.7 alongside pip. You can then install each package manually with the following command : ">pip install 'name of package'"

Installation & Usage

In this section all scripts will be describe along with a small use case for some. The scripts are divided in three categories, the core scripts, the analysers scripts, and the industrialization scripts.

Note : the use cases need Eurostag files that are not provided in this repository. However the list of the required files is given for each case inside their folders.

Core scripts

The core scripts are where all the calculations are done to compute the stable simulation domain for a single power generator. It is composed of two scripts :

  • : main script, calls the simulator.
  • : subscript used to create the domain.


Copy,, dict.csv and the Example1 Folder in a directory. To get the list of inputs, go to the directory in a console and type : ">python -h". You must be in the directory of a generator containing its Eurostag files to use this script : see Usage bellow.


Follow the sequence to execute the script on the Example1 generator :

  1. Open a console and move to the Example1 directory : "cd ~\Example1".
  2. Execute the script with the desired parameters, for example : ">python ..\ -v 0 -i 0".
  3. After it is done, .off files for 3D vizualisation is created as well as the "ampl_generators_domain.txt" file describing the domain with linear constraints.

Note : to suppress console outputs, type : ">python ..\ -v 0 -i 0 > outputs.txt". The outputs will be stored in the outputs.txt file.

Analysers scripts

The analysers scripts are used to check whether the computed domains are correct by plotting UQ or PQ planes. Some analysers are also used to run analysis on power network situations. There are three analysers that will be describes separatly :

  • : analyses the computed domains of one generators.
  • : analyses the working points of power network situations against the stable simulation domain.
  • and : analyses the status of a eurostag dynamic simulation.

This script analyses the computed domains of one generators by comparing them betwen each others and also against a contractual or reference diagram provided by the producers or constructors if available. In the example, no reference diagram is available.


Copy, dict.csv and Example1 in a directory. To get the list of inputs, go to the directory in a console and type : ">python -h". You must be in the directory of a generator to use this script and the stable simulation domain must have been computed before : see Usage bellow.


Before being able to use this script, at least one domain needs to be available. Follow the sequence to execute the script on the Example1 generator :

  1. Open a console and move to the Example1 directory : "cd ~\Example1"
  2. Execute the script with the desired parameters, for example : ">python ..\ -p DiagUQ-Example1.csv -t "type" -d 0 -s 1 -c 1 -a 0 -r 0"
  3. Once done the results are saved in a .png file (Diag_ref.png if the reference is chosen, Diag_multiple.png if not)

Note : Even though a DiagUQ-Example1.csv is given, this file is empty, the parameters -r should stay at 0.

This script analyses all the power network situations that are present in the directory it is placed in. The network situations must start by "itesla_projector_". The scripts checks if the working points of the generators in a network situation are inside the stable simulation domain. If not, it create a PQ and UQ planes which shows the distance to the domain. The results are all stored in "domain_to_network_dist_PQ.txt" and "domain_to_network_dist_UQ.txt" for all the network situations.

Note : No example is provided on this repository as network situations are classified informations.

This script analyses a specific eurostag simulation or all the eurostag simulation which folder starts with "itesla_eurostag_stabilization_" if no input is given. When executed, it tells wheter the initialisation of the eurostag simulation was stable or unstable. If it is unstable, a list of the unstable generators is given in outputs.

Note : The is another version that does not use argparse for cooperation issues. Here only is used as it has more comprehensive inputs


Copy and Example1 in a directory. To get the list of inputs, go to the directory in a console and type : ">python -h".


Note : Here, we will only use the script on one situation

  1. Open a console and move to the directory where was copied
  2. Execute the script with the desired parameters in our case : "> python -p Example1"
  3. The outputs are 0 if the situation is stable, 1 if it isn't. If it's not stable a file "ecart_groupe.csv" is created with the information of the unstable generators.

Industrialization scripts

As we have seen, the looks for the stable domain of a single machine. These scripts aim to search the domains of multiple machines :

  • : main script of industrialization
  • : subscript that create a .dta file for
  • MachineDomain.bat : bash script calling for more comprehensive inputs and MachineDomain.bat

These scripts launch the search of the stable simulation domain on several machines listed in "generators.txt" using a .dta file as base. The MachineDomain.bat is only used for a more comprehensive interface.


Copy,,, MachineDomain.bat, dict.csv inside the IndusExample directory.


  1. Double clic on MachineDomain.bat
  2. Input the desired files (first .dta file, second generators.txt file, and third the dict.csv file)
  3. Once the execution is done the results for each machine is stored in their folders, but all the results are concatenated in the "ampl_generators_domain.txt" file in the working directory.

This script is used to create a .dta and generators.txt file to be used in from several network situations, keeping only unique occurence of generators. It requires to be placed in a folder containing .dta files and their associated dictionnaries. The results are stored in a new folder called "rez" containing a .dta file with all the information of generators, a new dictionnary and a "generators.txt" file ready to be used in

Note : No example is given in the repository


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Pierre Saikaly (


RTE - Machine Stable Domaine Search







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