- Python scripts: convert_eprime_to_bids_event.py, qc_eventsfiles.py
- Two json files describing the headers of the convert_eprime_to output files.
You should have one zipped directory per participant, each containing the following 3 .txt files generated by eprime at the time of testing:
- Onset-Event-Encoding_CIMAQ_*.txt
- Output_Retrieval_CIMAQ_*.txt
- Output-Responses-Encoding_CIMAQ*.txt
It Two .tsv files per participant
(** = dccid, * = session ID)
This file is used to create event files in Nistats/Nilearn (to label fMRI frames) Note: the TaskFile_headers_CIMAQ_memory.json file describes the metrics found in each column.
(** = dccid, * = session ID)
This file is to assess a participant's performance on the post-scan memory task (image and source recognition). Note: the PostScanBehav_CIMAQ_memory.json file describes the metrics saved in each column
For more information please use --help.
It uses the tsv files and save a QC report.
For more information please use --help.
Code originaly provided by @MarieStLaurent Later modified by @PierreEMorin