Is a Call of Duty External Console, after several months of work I decided to release it as open source, if you want to learn a bit more about CODEx you can read it's history here
- Download the lastest version - some updates might be needed
- Unzip the archive somehere on your computer
- Start CODEx.exe
- Enjoy 😃
Within the download you'll find the following directories and files, logically grouping common assets and providing both compiled and minified variations. You'll see something like this:
│ CODEx.exe (CODEx's application)
│ CODEX.exe.config
│ CODEX.pdb
│ CODEXOffsets.dll
│ CODExUpdater.exe (CODEx Updater)
│ CODEXUpdater.exe.config
│ CODEXUpdater.pdb
│ config.ini
│ Guna.UI.dll
│ K4os.Compression.LZ4.dll
│ K4os.Compression.LZ4.xml
│ K4os.Hash.xxHash.dll
│ K4os.Hash.xxHash.xml
│ Newtonsoft.Json.dll
│ Newtonsoft.Json.xml
│ System.Buffers.dll
│ System.Buffers.xml
│ System.Memory.dll
│ System.Memory.xml
│ System.Numerics.Vectors.dll
│ System.Numerics.Vectors.xml
│ System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
│ System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.xml
└───DVARList (All the DVAR List you can edit)
│ allDvar.json
│ allDvar.json
CODEx has been designed to be personalized according to your needs.
- To get CODEx on your desktop you can create a shortcut (in the Settings tab)
- CODEx can detect automatically which Call of Duty Multiplayer game is running (MW2, MW3, BO2)
- You can choose where your personnal configs will be saved (by default they will be saved in your
) - You can add a macro to the config, so you will be able to call it in-game
- You can search in a customizable DVAR list, all Call of Duty DVAR
- You can copy a DVAR to the clipboard by simply press the copy button
- You can edit these DVAR list, by editing the .json file like the following example
"Content": "cg_fov 65",
"Description": "The field of view angle in degrees"
Coder & Designer :
- Pierre DUVEAU aka LINDRA
Josh aka GRIIM (helping me for the ExternalConsole class)
Jim aka Gmzorz (for a part of the DVAR)
Team A (Amyst, AUTH, Airyz, A1mini, Ark) (for the idea)