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What this is

This is a collection of libraries providing useful Harness plugins. At the moment it contains two extension libraries:

  • networking
  • capture_events
  • harness_ctx


This is a library providing a utility for mocking networking in Harness. Good when:

  • your charm relies on bind_address
  • your charm does things with network-get

How to get

charmcraft fetch-lib charms.harness_extensions.v0.networking

How to use

Basic usage:

from charms.harness_extensions.v0 import networking

Advanced use cases:

# let's pretend 'foo' is a relation:
foo = charm.model.get_relation('foo', 1)
with networking(networks={foo: Network(private_address="")}):
    # the juju-info network is present by default unless you pass None
    assert c.model.get_binding("juju-info").network.bind_address == IPv4Address("")
    # the custom foo endpoint is mocked:
    assert c.model.get_binding(foo).network.bind_address == IPv4Address("")
    assert c.model.get_binding('foo').network.bind_address == IPv4Address("")

CAVEAT: The patch is global; that is, if you instantiate two Harnesses (don't do that), you won't be able to mock network-get calls on a per-harness basis.


This is a library providing a utility for unittesting events fired on a Harness-ed Charm. Good when:

  • you want to verify that a specific event has been fired on the charm as a response to something
  • you want to verify that a specific sequence of events have been fired.
  • you want to unittest the interface exposed by some (custom) event.

How to get

charmcraft fetch-lib charms.harness_extensions.v0.capture_events

How to use

from charms.harness_extensions.v0.capture_events import capture, capture_events
from charm import MyCustomEvent, OtherCustomEvent
from ops.charm import RelationEvent, ConfigChangedEvent
from ops.testing import Harness

def test_relation_event_emitted(harness: Harness):
    with capture(harness.charm, RelationEvent) as captured:
        harness.add_relation('foo', 'remote')
    assert == 'remote'

def test_many_events_emitted(harness: Harness):
    id = harness.add_relation('foo', 'remote')

    with capture_events(harness.charm, RelationEvent, MyCustomEvent, OtherCustomEvent, ConfigChangedEvent) as captured:
    assert len(captured) == 5
    broken, departed, custom1, custom2, config = captured
    assert == 'foo'
    assert == 'foo'
    assert == 'bar'
    assert isinstance(config, ConfigChangedEvent)


This is a library providing a utility for testing with Harness in a slightly stricter way. Good when:

  • your charm has state-dependent __init__ logic that is malfunctioning because Harness does not reinitialize the charm
  • your charm (or dependencies) hook onto framework.on.commit, which Harness does not fire
  • you want a closer match between production charm behaviour and unittesting charm behaviour

This lib will likely become redundant once canonical/operator#736 is solved; until then, this allows us to experiment with the concept.

How to get

charmcraft fetch-lib charms.harness_extensions.v0.harness_ctx

How to use

class MyCharm(CharmBase):
    def __init__(self, framework: Framework, key: typing.Optional = None):
        super().__init__(framework, key)
        self.framework.observe(self.on.update_status, self._listen)
        self.framework.observe(self.framework.on.commit, self._listen)

    def _listen(self, e):
        self.event = e

with HarnessCtx(MyCharm, "update-status") as h:
    event = h.emit()  # this will be called automatically on context exit if you didn't call it manually
    assert event.handle.kind == "update_status"

assert h.harness.charm.event.handle.kind == "commit"

How to update

When you contribute to this repo, before your changes get merged to main (but when they are final already), you can run scripts/ [lib name]. This will

  • Bump the revision
  • Inline the lib
  • Publish the lib

When you bump to a new (major) version, you'll have to manually change the value of $LIB_V in scripts/


Extensions for ops.testing.Harness






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