I am PileofLemons and this is my project. This project is meant to make it so anybody can have smogon stats if they want them.
This program does 3 things.
- Acquire files. This will download files straight from smogon.com/stats
- Make them 'pretty' which makes them more usable by computers with less work. The pretty/combined.json file that will be made for each month should have some good info for people are interested in stats like me.
- Make a simple usage graph. It will display a graph for every month that gets chosen of the top pokemon. And then put all of the graphs from a year on a page for that year to display them.
This is just a little program i slapped together in a week and this is the first thing ive ever really shared with people. So i don't expect it to be resilent or strong or anything.
Things I wish to add in the future.
Big list of pokemon and give them all colors. Right now this just randomly assigns colors to pokemon every time it is called so the graphs will look different everytime.
more graphs. Usage graphs that show the rise and fall of specific pokemon over time. Graphs for tracking item/move usage on those pokemon. There will be many many more graphs in the coming updates.
Figure out why teammates/counters and checks aren't being saved correctly and fix that.
If you have any problems or questions or suggestions or just want to say hi. you can message me on discord at pileoflemons. Or if you dont have discord you can hit me up at roastedcarrotsoup@gmail.com I won't be checking that too often though so discord is better.