This program can take three kinds of input: binary integer values, decimal integer values, and unicode values. Whenever possible, binary output will be padded to take up 8 bits. The program detects and converts one of the inputs into the other two accordingly, for your convenience. However, keep in mind that any input containing only 1s and 0s will be assumed to be in binary unless you specify otherwise. You can override this automatic detection by using the following override commands:
#decimal# input - forces the translator to interpret input as being in the decimal format
#binary# input - forces the translator to interpret input as being in the binary format
#signed# input - forces the translator to interpret input as being in the two's complement signed binary format (if you put in negative decimal input, the binary output will automatically be in signed two's complement for that particular number)
#unicode# input - forces the translator to interpret input as being in the unicode format
#exit# - force exits the program
This was one of my first coding projects that I have decided to continue maintaining as I gain more knowledge and experience. As such, my style and coding strategies have since changed (and this project is regularly in need of overhaul), but I try to keep things relatively consistent. Stay tuned for fixes and changes.