This is a simple standalone Ansible script for building a Cuckoo Sandbox server. The following capabilities are included:
- Cuckoo Sandbox v2.0RC2 (current version)
- Web UI
- Yara v3.5.0
- Volatility v2.6
- Elasticsearch v2.x
- SSDeep
- Support for ESX, vSphere and KVM machinery
This installation process has been tested against a fresh install of ubuntu-16.04.1-server-amd64 with the following package options:
- standard system utilities
- OpenSSH server
After the base OS install a dist-upgrade was conducted:
apt-get update & apt-get dist-upgrade
Installation of the Cuckoo environment is done with the following steps:
Note: This proccess takes about ~6 minutes to complete.
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- If you have any pre-configured Cuckoo files place them in the ./conf_files directory.
- Replace the placeholders in the install command with the correct ones for your installation:
ansible-playbook -i "HOST," -e "ansible_ssh_user=ADMIN" --ask-pass --ask-sudo-pass install_cuckoo.yml
- HOST is the IP address of the server to install Cuckoo to. Note: the comma after the HOST is not a typo. Ansible is expecting a list, so the comma is required
- ADMIN is a user with sudo privileges on the server
By default, Cuckoo will be installed to /opt/cuckoo and a cuckoo user will be created. These values can be modified at the top of the script:
cuckoo_user: 'cuckoo'
cuckoo_dir: '/opt/cuckoo'
Once the installation has completed run the following as the "cuckoo" user:
cd /opt/cuckoo/web
python runserver &
cd ..