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Particle Swarm Exchange Algorithm for Generating Model- Discrimination Designs


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Particle Swarm Exchange Algorithm for Model-Discrimination Designs

This document is the user guide for using particle swarm exchange (PSE) algorithm (Chen et al., 2021+) and the exchange type algorithms (Meyer and Nachtsheim, 1995; Li and Wu, 1997) to generate the model-discrimination designs. For the fundemental math expression of the model-discrimination design, please refer to the article and our catalog website.

To generate the model-discrimination designs, there are three steps:

  1. Specify the design problem by the rGetDesignInfo function.
  2. Setup the parameters of the PSE algorithm by the rGetAlgInfo function.
  3. Run the PSE algorithm by the rDiscreteDesignPSO function.

To run the columnwise-pairwise (CP) exchange algorithm (Li and Wu, 1997) for searching the balanced design, use functions rGetColPairInfo and rDiscreteDesignColPair in Steps 2 and 3. To run the coordinate exchange algorithm (Meyer and Nachtsheim, 1995) for searching the unbalanced design, use functions rGetCoorExInfo and rDiscreteDesignCoorEx in Steps 2 and 3.

Before implementing our swarmexchange codes, please run the following R script to make sure that the necessary R packages are installed.

# Check whether the required packages have been installed or not.
# If not, then install them
pkgReq <- c("Rcpp", "RcppArmadillo")
pkgLoc <- installed.packages()[,1]
for (i in 1:length(pkgReq)) {
  if (!(pkgReq[i] %in% pkgLoc)) { install.packages(pkgReq[i]) }


  • Chen, P.-Y., Chen, R.-B., Li, J.-P. and Li, W. W. (2021+). Particle Swarm Exchange Algorithms with Applications in Generating Optimal Model-Discrimination Designs. Preprint.
  • Li, W., & Wu, C. F. J. (1997). Columnwise-pairwise algorithms with applications to the construction of supersaturated designs. Technometrics, 39 (2), 171–179.
  • Meyer, R. K., & Nachtsheim, C. J. (1995). The coordinate-exchange algorithm for constructing exact optimal experimental designs. Technometrics, 37 (1), 60–69.

Design Problem Specification

rGetDesignInfo: the function of specifying the model-discrimination problem.

rGetDesignInfo(typeCrit, n, m, mSpName = c("MEPI", "PMS"), g = 1, q = 1, labLevel = c(-1, 1), balance = 0)
Input Option
Description Default Value
typeCrit Model-discrimination Designs
1: $\overline{AF}$ criterion
2: $\overline{EPD}$ criterion
3: Negative $\overline{A^S}$ criterion
4: $\overline{ENCP}$ criterion
Model-robust Designs
0: Estimation capacity criterion
5: Information capacity criterion
n (Positive integer) Run size --
m (Positive integer) Number of factors --
mSpName 'MEPI': MEPI space
'PMS': PMS space
g (Positive integer) MEPI parameter --
q (Positive integer) PMS parameter --
labLevel (vector) the labels of factor levels c(-1, 1)
balance 0: unbalance design
1: balanced design

Particle Swarm Exchange Algorithm

rGetAlgInfo: the function for configuring the particle swarm exchange algorithm.

algInfo <- rGetAlgInfo(nSwarm, maxIter, MIX_C = 1, MIX_R = 1, JFO_RV = 1.0, JFO_R0 = 0.9, JFO_R1 = 0.3, JFO_RHO = 0.5)
Input Option
Description Default Value
nSwarm (Positive integer) the number of particles --
maxIter (Positive integer) the number of iterations --
MIX_C (Positive integer) the number of columns to be exchanged in the COLMIX operator 1
MIX_R (Positive integer) the number of rows to be exchanged in the ROWMIX operator 1
JFO_R0 The value of $\omega_{max}$ * 0.9
JFO_R1 The value of $\omega_{min}$ * 0.3
JFO_RHO The value of $\rho$ * 0.5
JFO_RV the proportion of PSE updating iterations by updating $\omega^{(t)}$ 1.0

* The parameters $\omega_{max},\omega_{min}$ and $\rho$ are used to compute the probabilities



to choose the target design to be mixed with the current design among random design, local best design and global best design. JFO_RV is between 0 and 1 and is used to denote the proportion of PSE updating iterations by updating $\omega^{(t)}$. For example, JFO_RV=0.8 indicates that $\omega^{(t)}$ is updated by the above equations in the first 80% of the PSE iterations, and then, it is fixed as $\omega_{min}$ for the remaining 20% iterations.

rDiscreteDesignPSO: the function for running the particle swarm exchange algorithm.

rDiscreteDesignPSO(algInfo, designInfo, if_parallel = TRUE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
Input Option
Description Default Value
algInfo R object generated by rGetAlgInfo --
designInfo R object generated by rGetDesignInfo --
if_parallel (Boolean) to decide for using parallel computing TRUE
seed (Positive integer) the random seed NULL
verbose (Boolean) to decide for showing the updating message TRUE

Exchange Type Algorithms

Columnwise-pairwise Exchange Algorithm

rGetColPairInfo: the function for configuring the columnwise-pairwise exchange algorithm.

rGetColPairInfo(maxIter = 50, nTry = 1, maximize = 1, CPk = 1, tol = 0)
Input Option
Description Default Value
maxIter (Positive integer) maximal number of iterations 50
nTry (Positive integer) the number of replications 1
maximize 0: minization
1: maximization
CPk (Positive integer) 1
tol (Positive real value) stopping criterion. Set tol = 0 for disabling 0

rDiscreteDesignColPair: the function for running the columnwise-pairwise exchange algorithm.

rDiscreteDesignColPair(algInfo, designInfo, if_parallel = TRUE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
Input Option
Description Default Value
algInfo R object generated by rGetColPairInfo --
designInfo R object generated by rGetDesignInfo --
if_parallel (Boolean) to decide for using parallel computing TRUE
seed (Positive integer) the random seed NULL
verbose (Boolean) to decide for showing the updating message TRUE

Coordinate Exchange Algorithm

rGetCoorExInfo: the function for configuring the coordinate exchange algorithm.

rGetCoorExInfo(maxIter = 50, nTry = 1, maximize = 1, tol = 0)
Input Option
Description Default Value
maxIter (Positive integer) maximal number of iterations 50
nTry (Positive integer) the number of replications 1
maximize 0: minization
1: maximization
tol (Positive real value) stopping criterion. Set tol = 0 for disabling 0

rDiscreteDesignCoorEx: the function for running the coordinate exchange algorithm.

rDiscreteDesignCoorEx(algInfo, designInfo, if_parallel = TRUE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
Input Option
Description Default Value
algInfo R object generated by rGetCoorExInfo --
designInfo R object generated by rGetDesignInfo --
if_parallel (Boolean) to decide for using parallel computing TRUE
seed (Positive integer) the random seed NULL
verbose (Boolean) to decide for showing the updating message TRUE

Illustrative Example

The R script run.R is an example to use the PSE codes. Suppose target on searching a balanced two-level $12\times4\overline{AF}$-optimal design for discriminating among $MEPI_2$ model space.

The first step is to determine the model-discrimination design problem through the rGetDesignInfo function.

designInfo <- rGetDesignInfo(typeCrit = 1, n = 12, m = 4, 
                             mSpName = "MEPI", g = 2, 
                             balance = 1)

Second, we choose for the PSE algorithm running with 100 iterations and 32 particles. In addition, the number of the columns for COLMIX operator is set as 1 and we disable the ROWMIX operator to maintain the balance design structure.

algInfo <- rGetAlgInfo(nSwarm = 32, maxIter = 100, 
                       MIX_C = 1, MIX_R = 0)

The final step is to run PSE algorithm via the rDiscreteDesignPSO function. The necessary inputs are the R objects, algInfo and designInfo. For multi-processor parallel computing, we set if_parallel=TRUE. The output of the rDiscreteDesignPSO function is an R list object with two variables. The first one result$RES include the PSE searching result which is also an R list object. The variable result$RES$GBest is the global best design and result$RES$fGBest is its corresponding design criterion value. The computing time can be found in result$CPUTIME which is recorded in seconds.

res <- rDiscreteDesignPSO(algInfo, designInfo, if_parallel = TRUE, 
                          seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
res$RES$fGBest # Global Best AF-bar-optimal criterion value
res$RES$GBest  # Global Best AF-bar-optimal design

The columnwise-pairwise (CP) exchange algorithm is also used for finding the balanced design. To use our code, the first step is the same that uses the rGetDesignInfo function to define the model-discrimination problem. Following the above example, the code for running CP algorithm is presented below.

# Set Parameters for Columnwise-Pairwise (CP) algorithm
cpAlgInfo <- rGetColPairInfo(maxIter = 100, nTry = 32, 
                             CPk = 1)

# Run CP algorithm
cpRes <- rDiscreteDesignColPair(cpAlgInfo, designInfo, if_parallel = TRUE, 
                                seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
cpRes$RES$DESIGN_VAL # Overall Best AF-bar-optimal criterion value among multiple trails
cpRes$RES$DESIGN     # Overall Best AF-bar-optimal design among multiple trails

For unbalanced model-discrimination designs, we can apply the PSE algorithm and coordinate exchange algorithm. The workflow is similar and we present the example code as below.

### Unbalanced Design ###
# The example is the AF-bar-optimal unbalanced design 
# of n = 12, m = 4 for MEPI space with g = 2.
designInfo <- rGetDesignInfo(typeCrit = 1, n = 12, m = 4, 
                             mSpName = "MEPI", g = 2,
                             balance = 0)

# Set Parameters for PSE algorithm
algInfo <- rGetAlgInfo(nSwarm = 32, maxIter = 100, 
                       MIX_C = 1, MIX_R = 1)

# Run PSE algorithm
res <- rDiscreteDesignPSO(algInfo, designInfo, if_parallel = TRUE, 
                          seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
res$RES$fGBest # Global Best AF-bar-optimal criterion value
res$RES$GBest  # Global Best AF-bar-optimal design

# Set Parameters for Coordinate Exchange (CE) algorithm
ceAlgInfo <- rGetCoorExInfo(maxIter = 100, nTry = 32)
# Run CE algorithm
ceRes <- rDiscreteDesignCoorEx(ceAlgInfo, designInfo, if_parallel = TRUE, 
                               seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
ceRes$RES$DESIGN_VAL # Overall Best AF-bar-optimal criterion value among multiple trails
ceRes$RES$DESIGN     # Overall Best AF-bar-optimal design among multiple trails


Particle Swarm Exchange Algorithm for Generating Model- Discrimination Designs








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