🙏🏻 NOTE: This plugin has been made by a single developer it's may experience alot of bugs, so please test it before push it on production!
Minecraft plugin that enhances gameplay by introducing a timed event where a random *(vanilla-mob + mythicmob) is summoned near a random player every X minutes
Minecraft Version 1.20.x+
Java Version 21
Mythic Mobs need to be install to make it work!
- Luckperms
- PlugmanX
- /ebe reload "Reload Config file"
- /ebe start [optional:now] "Start event (now = start event immediately)"
# recommended to set this to false if you don't know what you're doing
enabled: false
# recommended to set event-delay value to 60 or higher for better performance
change-delay-to-sec: false
# bypass-permission for debug mode
bypass-permission: false
language: en-us.yml
# Mythic mobs boss name list
mythicMob-bosses-name: [
# Normal mythic mobs mob name list
# Note: if you don't want to include normal mobs, just leave it empty and set include-normal-mobs to true
mythicMob-mini-boss-name: [
# get entity name from https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
vanilla-entity-types: [
# Spawn configuration
mob-type: mixed
# Worlds where the boss will be spawn
spawn-worlds: [
# Radius of the spawn area (default: 5)
distance: 5
# Minimum players required to start the event (default: 3)
min-players: 3
# Maximum players allowed to get tick per area (set to 0 for online players size / 2)
max-players: 0
# Max spawning count per picked player (default: 8)
max-mobs-spawn-count-per-player: 8
# Max boss spawn count per world (default: 1)
max-boss-spawn-count-per-world: 1
# Check level requirement (default: false)
# (WIP) check-level-requirement: false
# Level requirement for player when boss is about to spawn (default: 1)
# (WIP) level-requirement: 1
# Check permission requirement (default: false)
check-permission-requirement: false
# Boss spawn chance (default: 0.1)
boss-spawn-chance: 0.1
# delay in minutes before the event starts (default: 10)
event-delay: 10
# what y level for starting pick a player and spawning mobs (default: 64)
Y-level: 64
# which block to whitelist for spawning mobs (default: ["grass_block"])
whitelist-block: ["grass_block"]
# Plugins
prefix: "&8[&6EliteBossEvent&8]"
reload: "EliteBossEvent has been reloaded!"
enable: "EliteBossEvent has been Enabled!"
disable: "EliteBossEvent has been Disabled!"
warn_low_delay: "Event delay is less than 1, setting to default value of 10 minutes."
# Commands
no_permission: "You do not have permission to use this command!"
invalid_command: "Invalid command!"
# Elite Boss Event
elite_event_started: "Elite Boss Event has started!"
elite_event_stopped: "Elite Boss Event has stopped!"
elite_event_starting: "Mob will be summoned in <count> seconds!"
no_player_ticked: "No player ticked, mob will not be summoned!"
summon_mob: "Mob has been summoned!"
summon_notify: "Mob will be summoned at a certain player <cooldown> seconds!"
warning_player: "Please avoid a player with a glowing effect!"
boss_spawned: "Boss has been spawned at <location>"
mini_boss_spawned: "Mini-boss has been spawned at <location>"
# Debug Mode
debug_mode_enabled: "Debug mode is enabled!"
# Mythic Mobs
hooked_to_mythic_mobs: "Hooked into MythicMobs!"
checking_provided_mythic_mobs: "Checking provided MythicMobs..."
no_mythic_mobs: "MythicMobs not found! Disabling plugin..."
not_valid_mythic_mob: "&c is not a valid MythicMob!"
registered_mythic_mob: "&a✓ Registered MythicMob: &e"
null_mythic_mob: "&c is null, make sure that mobs is exist!"