- project description
- best features
- tools
- how to run as Docker Container
- how to run
- inspiration
eWallet is an backend app that allows you to control your expenses and income. The user uses the login system. It offers many practical tools and charts that allow you to control the state of your portfolio. Frontend is finished. The entire application is conceived and created by myself.
- create account and login system
- adding transactions
- db connection (saving progress)
- tracking your portfolio
- filtering data based on various factors
- multiple charts based on data
- piggy bank
- Docker, DockerHub
- GIT, GitHub
- MySQL, phpMyAdmin
- JavaScript
You can run the server as a docker container. Clone the repository from GitHub to a local folder of your choice on your machine. Now locally navigate to the cloned repository
cd ewallet-main
Use the following command to build the container:
docker compose up
Install mysqli extension for PHP
docker exec -ti ewallet-main-www-1 sh
#docker-php-ext-install mysqli
Then stop & start the container with the following command:
docker compose stop
docker compose start
This should start up the example application and it can be accessed at http://localhost/index.php Write http://localhost:8001 to see data base
- Download XAMPP: https://www.apachefriends.org/pl/download.html
- Install XAMPP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoKCB41tKW4&t=31s&ab_channel=GuideLoop. Watch till 1:15.
- Create folder eWallet in xampp/htdocs utworzyć (remember about letter case!)
- Clone repo to xampp/htdocs/eWallet (remember about letter case!):
- Copy 9 files from xampp/htdocs/ewallet-main/Nowy Folder/ewalletttt:
- Create folder ewallet in (remember about letter case!) xampp/mysql/data and paste 9 files:
- Copy 5 files from xampp/htdocs/ewallet-main/Nowy Folder/db:
- Paste and CHANGE 5 files in xampp/mysql/data:
- Open XAMPP and press START in 2 buttons:
- Open chrome/opera write „localhost/ewallet” and press enter.
- Write localhost/phpmyadmin to see data base
The project was partly inspired by the cointracking.info website