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Skii is a 2D top-down skiing game with a procedurally generated landscape and fully json constumizable assets.

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Skii uses cargo, so compiling only consists in writing:

cargo build

If you want to directly play the game, you can also use:

cargo run --release


Skii has only one non-cargo handled dependecy, SDL, derived from ggez. To find instruction on how to install SDL, you may want to read this.


The game reads json file in resources/config to find info about the tiles, objects and player.

There are three types of description files: tile, object, and player.


  • type: the file type
  • properties: all the tile properties
    • texture: the tile texture, found in resources/textures
    • forward_friction: the forward friction with the skies
    • sideway_friction: the sideways friction with the skies
    • distribution: the base chance of generating the tile
    "type": "tile",
    "properties": {
        "texture": "deep_snow.png",
        "forward_friction": 0.2,
        "sideway_friction": 30.0,
        "distribution": 0.05


  • type: the file type
  • properties: all the object properties
    • texture: the object texture, found in resources/textures
    • distribution: the base chance of generating the object
    • hitbox: the object hitbox
      • width: the hitbox width
      • height: the hitbox height
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "texture": "tree1.png",
        "distribution": 0.06,
        "hitbox": {
            "width": 1.0,
            "height": 1.0


  • type: the file type
  • properties: all the object properties
    • texture: the player texture
    "type": "player",
    "properties": {
        "texture": "player.png"


The generation algorithms, (found in src/ are cellular automata inspired, and modify the generation chance starting from the distrubution value declared in the json files.


if identical neighbors is between 1 and 3 => generating chance *= 2
if identical neighbors is more than 3 => generating chance /= 5


if objects in 3.0 radius are between 1 and 2 => generating chance *= 2
if objects in 3.0 radius are more than 2 => generating chance /= 6

Note that the objects in range do not need to be the same as the object we are considering to generate.