Hi! This is where I provide my open source repositories to aid in game development.
Disclaimer: currently, all Unity projects are not being actively developed, and the focus of this organization has been shifted towards the Godot game engine.
- Pixel Art Prototype Sprites: Pixel art character sprites for prototyping.
- Pixel Art-Prototyping CC0 Collection: A collection of CC0 Pixel art sprites assembled for prototyping.
(on development)
- ParallaxerSystemForUnity: A parallax system for Unity.
- ObjectPoolerForUnity: an object pooling system for Unity.
- AudioManagerForUnity: a simple audio manager for Unity to centralize BGM and SFX playing and simplify volume adjusting.
- DirectionClassForUnity: a C# class for Unity created to simplify implementations that involve directions.
- ColorsForUnity: a static C# class providing a lot of colors to improve prototyping.
- FreeInspector: an asset to increase the customization in Unity's inspector.
- MathToolsForUnity: libraries for use in Unity projects with tools for math, physics and random.
- SingletonMonobehaviour: a class to make Singleton implementation quick and easy.
- MonobehaviourTemplates: templates that provides further customization to newly created scripts in the Unity Editor.
- InspectorCustomClassCreator: a tool to automatically create a script to customize a class in the inspector.
- UnityWebGLTemplates: additional templates for Unity's WebGL builder, including a template with no footer and no fullscreen button.
- CsharpHelperMethods: helpful methods for C#, like Swap, Max and Min.
- CsharpExtensionMethods: as the name implies, useful extension methods for C#.
- UnityXtensions: class extensions and wrappers for Unity components.
This organization is maintained by: