Java Basics class exercises.
1. Print to Console
2. Add two (or three) numbers
3. Odd or Even
4. Which day is it? X days ahead of Y-day.
Issues Met: Object/value comparison (== compares objects AND value, where as object.equals(obj) compares value)
1. Method overloading
2. Random Numbers and type broadening
3. Substrings
4. If-Conditional exercises
4a. Simple add
4b. BMI
4c. Taxes
5. Logical operators
6. Switch-Case
1. While Loops
1a.Guess right number until failure
1b. Guess number with hints (Conditional)
2. For Loops
2a. GCD brute force
2b. Euclid algorithm for GCD - Most optimal algorithm
3. Continue/Break
4. Fibonacci Array
5. Reverse String
6. Max integer of array
7. Helper method with array as argument
8. Anagram Checker
9. Binary Search
10. 2D Array
10a. Construct and Initialize
10b. Transpose matrix
1. OOP
1a. Constructors
1b. Student Class
1c. Employee Class
2. Exception Handling
2a. Country Tax
3. Shape Class
4. Interfaces and Abstract classes
4a. Library Interface Demo
1. Cars - Array List
1a. Write to CSV and read from CSV
2. Simple Map
2a. mapBully
2b. Read from CSV and save to Map